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    Decent opener, nothing too dramatic, just setting the scene for what's
    to come. Bonus points for young Cersei being a complete bitch. Nothing
    changes. I also couldn't get Elton John's "Blue Eyes" out of my head
    when I saw Tywin's corpse.

    I'm not sharing the love for Jennifer, it's ALWAYS just overacting

    It was appalling, but at least it provided a few laughs among all the handwringing and gnashing of teeth

    That answer is a complete cop out. Don't tell me, the virus came from UFO's or sumimin, amirite?

    This show is so unremittingly bleak it's getting hard to stomach. Ok ok,
    yeah I know, it's about a plague that kills 7 billion people yadda
    yadda, I'm not expecting a line of chorus girls to appear singing
    "Copacabana" but damn, a few laughs here and there wouldn't go amiss, or
    a few wins for Cole.

    Damn, incredible episode, possibly the best yet. Everything about it was
    bang on the money, Fitz & Mac, Simmons owning Bobbi, May and
    Bobbi's fight was superb, Coulson and Adama, oops Robert squaring off in
    the office, Hulk indentations, Lucy Lawless kicking ass, the fall of
    S.H.I.E.L.D. on the ship, Hunter commiting

    Weakest episode yet. For me the show is plummeting at an alarming rate
    of knots. There's no way I'll be able to stomach these ludicrous twists
    and turns for season after season. I think maybe a mini-series would
    have been better, with a show that plans to layer it's story over
    several seasons there's just no tension

    A lot of fans seem down on these kind of episodes, but in a way they're
    necessary. Calm before the storm and all that… they're just moving
    everyone into position for the final home straight. The alt-S.H.I.E.L.D.
    was underwhelming, but the ep was saved by Talbot and his wife, and I
    for one enjoyed Ward and Agent 33's

    Decent episode. Find it hard to get anxious whenever Cole is in mortal
    danger though, he's the leading man so it's pretty obvious he's never in
    any real peril, which negates any tension for me.

    I enjoyed the episode, wasn't a classic but it was decent enough. Worth
    it for the May jokes… I mean, can anyone picture her playing wifey? :o
    I've never understood the love for Cal, he's always been ridiculous to me,
    hammy as a bacon sandwich and the little jig he did when confronting the
    newly changed Reyna was just

    So a whole episode of pointless storytelling just to open Aaron's eyes
    to the truth of Cole's mission. Yawn. And I'm not sure why everyone
    fears the Army Of The 12 Monkeys so much, they're absolutely useless at
    everything. Aside from being unable to locate the virus they need, stop
    Cole despite having him in their

    This show is like a rollercoaster for me, one episode I'm almost giving
    up on it and the next reels me back in. This was a decent episode, far
    from perfect though. The Jones Experiments was an interesting
    development, and like the reviewer I dug the way they were almost
    hinting that Cole was the body in the vault.

    Another enjoyable episode, they're coming thick and fast for me. I
    hope Mack and Bobbi's secret isn't anti-SHIELD, I had enough of that
    with Ward and Hydra in season one, I really like the team and it's
    dynamics now and I don't want backstabbing shennanigans. There's plenty
    of villains outside the team to fight for

    Dreadful episode. The Deacon character confirmed my worst fears, he's
    basically just The Governer from The Walking Dead, but worse, he's a
    stereotypical "eccentric but evil" villain, yawn. All he's missing is a
    cat to stroke. The way he escaped throught that explosion at the end of
    the episode was like something

    This episode was fantastic. Reyna's reveal, the in-house fighting,
    bonding over Trip's death, Coulson getting badass, the murder of the
    Hydra top brass, Gordon rescuing Reyna…. This show is
    never going to be Avengers Assemble, but for what it is it's improved
    massively over last season.

    Decent episode, better than the previous one. The Haiti setting and
    virus was interesting, and it was good to see Cassie's knowledge of
    future events weigh down so heavily on her. It's still flawed though,
    the fight scenes in particular are dreadful. The scene where Cole was
    temporarily disappearing, only for the two

    I enjoyed the pilot but this episode was quite poor if I'm honest. It
    seemed to drag, and the convenient machinations of the plot were lame in
    parts. The actress playing Jennifer was decent, and Cole's heart to
    heart with Jones was well written and played out, but there was a lot
    that irked me. I'm a fan of Tom Noonan

    Excellent episode, really tense in parts, frustrating in others with
    just the right ammount of humour. Although I'm sure the exploding chief
    hurling himself out of the window dressed in a glowing jacket was meant
    to be horrific and sad I found it hilarious. Was like something out of
    Tom & Jerry. It weirdly works tho!

    Better than I imagined it would be. The only thing that did annoy me was Cole's attempt to assassinate Goines at the party in full view of everyone. Plot device, pure and simple.
    Anyone with half a brain woould at least attempt to lure him away to a more private room or wait until he was more vulnerable. Or even just

    Great episode, really enjoyable. The russian Leviathan mole with his
    hypnotic ring is a brilliant addition to the villain list, and it was
    good to see Dottie start to "do her thing". Peggy and Jarvis are just
    great together, and Jarvis' "he's a future Mafioso" line was a real LOL
    moment for me.