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    I don't think the budget is necessarily bigger than SHIELD, it's just better used over 8 episodes as opposed to 20+. I'm a fan of SHIELD but damn, 20+ episodes of anything can't be good, there's such a thing as "less is more". And why are the reviewers here always bringing up race? If they're not complaining about

    Disappointing climax to a decent third season. Some of the episodes have
    been incredible, but this felt flat and amazingly slightly boring. Two
    seasons left? I feel we only need one more. They really need to crank up
    the crazy now, and start chopping down major characters. Bradley as a
    season's finale victim was

    Another top quality episode. Eps like this, where you can see how
    disturbed and batshit crazy Norman truly is just reinforce for me the
    appalling selfishness of Norma and to a smaller extent Dylan, who by now
    should just admit defeat and get the poor boy some HELP. It's quite
    heartbreaking for Norman in a sense. They

    "The Deal" the season's highpoint? Really? This episode blew it out of the water. I thought it was sublime. Norman in his Mom's dress
    camping it up while cooking bacon was just hilarious and deeply
    unsettling. Vera never looked as good as when she bought the new outift
    and hit the bars, and her troubling reunion with

    The "Caleb" reveal around the kitchen table was just phenomenally
    realised and played out. Norma is just a force of nature when riled, and
    I genuinely feared she'd end up possibly killing Dylan. To have her
    storm off to goodness knows where was a nice touch, Norman will just
    disintergrate mentally without her around.

    If he's the same Norman from the movies then he's only sexually attracted to slutty, rebellious types. Emma doesn't float his boat with her homework and her hoovering.

    This episode was a bit of a damp squib for me, it felt like it was
    setting up future storylines, all filler with little else to offer.
    Still had enjoyable moments though, Norma all angsty and rude in the
    classroom was gold, Norman's freakout was tense and effective and the
    Sheriff's position coming under threat is

    don't you mean "then BAM, she's Charles Bronson"

    Best series on tv. The noise Norman made in the restaurant when Emma
    suggested sex was absolutely hilarious. Could do without the redneck
    nonsense though, everytime the series deviates from Norma and Norman
    you're just watching the clock until they're back. The Sex Club rubbish can go too, asap please. Vera Farmiga is

    didn't the reviewer in an earlier episode call Ray's wife "the most compelling character"? Says it all about these lame ass reviews really

    Well said. If that hipster is expecting everything to be the same standard as BB or The Wire/Sopranos they're going to spend the rest of their days mostly disappointed. Just accept this show for what it is, not what it isn't, and if doesn't float your boat, stop watching and move one, isn't that what usually happens?

    Great episode, if slightly meandering in parts. Ray's missus is still
    the weakest link, she's just completely unlikeable.The end was pretty lame though, with the FBI guy screaming down the phone to Ray that he would "bury him" after discovering the agents body.

    Paid? Damn, only in America. Hell Yeah.

    *cough* John Travolta *cough* Tom Cruise *Wheeze*

    Here here, I agree completely, and refreshing to finally see somebody praise this show, rather than tow the tedious party line

    Holy shit this damn review, what a lot of yadda yadda. x-axis and y-axis my axis.. just talk about the damn storylines and characters already or give up on it

    Couldn't agree more

    Hear Hear!

    C- my ass. This episode was excellent. And you can tell this review is written by a chick. "His starlet stalker handcuffs herself to his bathroom, and he fends her
    off, but then decides to have sex with her later, for unclear reasons"… really?? 99% of men would have sex with a woman that hot if she showed up begging

    Loving this series but this was definately a weak episode imo. I'm not
    sure what they were trying for with Mickey's performance at the support
    group. Shock? Outrage? Humour? A little of all three? I just thought it
    was badly written and ill judged. The two main jewish characters are
    caricatures, and badly written,