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    Great second episode, I really enjoyed it. I've only just discovered this show and I'm glad I didn't read the reviews or comments before I started or I'd have avoided it. I can't understand why everyone is bitching so badly, it's far from a perfect show (at this point anyway) but there's a lot that is great about it.

    I really enjoyed this, and thought Liev was great. This site, damn, slating Ray Donovan and praising the utter shite that is Fortitude.

    Sorry but this episode was atrocious. As if Markus wouldn't have
    contacted the police as soon as Angry Black Dude tortured him, as if
    Tyson would shoot Tucci, as if Tucci wouldn't be rolling around
    screaming in agony and hardly able to function properly after being shot
    in the GUT (note: see Resevoir Dogs)… the kid's

    This show is like a car crash. It's appalling but I keep looking at it.

    This was the first really good episode imo, hopefully the story will go
    up a few gears now. I found the first few eps desperately slow. A couple of the stories do
    absolutely nothing for me, the wacko dad and his kid on the run with a
    stolen tusk, camping in the wilds is a big yawn, and someone needs to
    tell Hildur's

    Yeah I found that ridiculous, especially considering most of the town seemed to have rocked up for it. Hardly Easy Listening is it?

    I got the impression she's the Glacier Bike and he's tapped it before

    Interesting pilot yet something about it doesn't draw me in completely.
    The characters just don't seem to talk and act like ordinary people do.
    Gorgeous visuals though, the scenery is amazing. I for one am glad
    Eccleston's character died so soon, I find him hugely overrated. He's
    the same person in everything he

    I really enjoyed season two, thought it was a massive improvement on season one, but the finale was very disappointing. It didn't really work for me on any level. Lily's death was utterly pointless, and the decision to leave the Swede's fate ambiguous is a wretched idea. The Sioux battle was unimpressive and way too

    I really enjoyed season two, thought it was a massive improvement on season one, but the finale was very disappointing. It didn't really work for me on any level. Lily's death was utterly pointless, and the decision to leave the Swede's fate ambiguous is a wretched idea. The Sioux battle was unimpressive and way too

    HOW just gets better and better with each episode for me, especially with season two. This episode is hugely enjoyable, and the closing montage shot to the song Annabel was beatifully realised. I really liked the coming together of Bohannon and Lily too, I'm really glad they didn't do the usual tv fare and start

    HOW just gets better and better with each episode for me, especially with season two. This episode is hugely enjoyable, and the closing montage shot to the song Annabel was beatifully realised. I really liked the coming together of Bohannon and Lily too, I'm really glad they didn't do the usual tv fare and start

    there's a delayed pain when one gets wacked in the testies, can take 5 or 6 seconds before a massive wave of pain takes over. I'm not sure it's as delayed as this episode implies tho, thankfully I've never tested it. Or is that testied it?

    there's a delayed pain when one gets wacked in the testies, can take 5 or 6 seconds before a massive wave of pain takes over. I'm not sure it's as delayed as this episode implies tho, thankfully I've never tested it. Or is that testied it?

    I enjoy the show but damn if some of the writing isn't cringeworthy and embarrassing. "No man's ever disemboweled anyone for me before *swoon*" I mean, seriously? And the less said about the scene with the Swede taking a bath and chatting to Bohannon the better.

    I enjoy the show but damn if some of the writing isn't cringeworthy and embarrassing. "No man's ever disemboweled anyone for me before *swoon*" I mean, seriously? And the less said about the scene with the Swede taking a bath and chatting to Bohannon the better.

    The dialogue between Elam and the whore killer was painful, some of the dialogue on this show is just embarrassing. With a few tweaks hither and thither this show could really be great. Mr Toole also seems to be returning to the dark side, sigh.

    The dialogue between Elam and the whore killer was painful, some of the dialogue on this show is just embarrassing. With a few tweaks hither and thither this show could really be great. Mr Toole also seems to be returning to the dark side, sigh.

    His Moms and Pops playing the whole of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music would have worked

    Has she got a daughter? I'll wager the brat wears a Ramones t-shirt *snarl*