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    I agree. They usually weep and collapse emotionally when confronted with kindness too, they don't kick off and attack

    No bacon for brunch?

    That horse could probably carry a tune better than Beth too, damn straight

    Darth Cookie?

    "The mincing Dead"? "Dead Mince"? I'm all for a bit of TWD gayness tbh, just why couldn't it have been Maggie & Hispanic McShort-Shorts?

    Dude could have at least used the old "turn the jacket inside out" trick.

    "while she's dressed as if to go plug the transcontinental railroad on the Letterman show" lol glorious :D

    The Pistols formed in 1975 so I don't see your point. Besides, anyone with a brain knows Kraftwerk are the most influential band in history.

    Surprised people struggled with whether Norman had killed his teacher through this season. The fact he had her pearls was an obvious pointer, they were his murder trophies.

    AimingForYoko? *splutter* i've just fallen in love with the internet again