
SGC2C changed the way I look at comedy. I was obsessed as a youngster, watching this super weird show no one seemed to know about.


You know, I think this point is worthy of discussion for sure, but you really don't do yourself any favors when you invoke Donald Trump's interpretation of "political correctness."

This review sums up how I feel about this show. For every transcendent moment there is another that would be at home in an episode of Law and Order. I think the praise I see on other websites and from friends is a little overboard. I mean, it was a solid show, but I think it has less to say than people give it credit

why do so many improv people do rapes? is it the "yes, and"?

This album is growing on me, but like the reviewer the bleak mood starts to wear on me after a while, especially because some of my favorite Frank Ocean songs are on the upbeat side (Sweet Life, Super Rich Kids, Songs for Women). But, you know, he's an artist, he made a choice and I respect that.

I think there's way too much focus on the grades among commenters here. I mean, I do it myself sometimes, but I thought this review was pretty well written and balanced.

I think this review is pretty fair, maybe a bit more critical than the movie than I was. The scope is so huge, I found myself wishing there was more time on certain segments and maybe less on a few others. Totally worth seeing, though, for Herzog's narration alone.

Right with you on It's A Wonderful Life, bawling during the last scene and all.

It's good to pay for music. Some of us have done it for almost all of our lives. It's easier than ever. Keep doing it.

I think it's a bit overrated TBH. Half of it is great, half I can take or leave. The stuff that hits really hits, though.

Thanks for your review of the tracklist

He was never my favorite of the old guard you've summed up exactly why.

I miss that laurel canyon sound.

Count me in as a fan who didn't love the special. I found a lot of the second half lazy - liberal talking points followed by applause breaks. No laughs. I agree with Cross about almost everything but I've heard about Ayn Rand dying in public housing before, maybe a comedian could make a joke about it instead of just

Correct. His special is 5 stars on my Netflix. (and I did not love it.)

Still not sure about why Omar has taken Nas under his wing. One little initiation and he gets protection, drugs, and a phone? Am I missing something?

Is anyone else having trouble convincing their friends to watch this show?

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