The Hero of Akron-Canton

Breaking Bad Horse

I agree with Scrawler re: Angel and Cordelia.

Good luck!


I got in an extended discussion of this once with a commenter here!  I agree with you!  ARGHHHH

Oh man, I hate people who do that shit.  I like to pull up to their left when they're turning right from the left lane, give 'em the finger, and zoom off.

I love looking at photo galleries of red carpet dresses and it pisses me off to no end when the larger women have sleeves 95% of the time.  The skinny ones are all strapless and yet Melissa McCarthy always has to wear something that covers as much of her as possible and is generally unflattering.  It's possible to

Oh man, Maggie in Ned's glasses was ADORABLE.  I also had a hearty laugh about the Ayn Rand School For Tots after reading about the Atlas Shrugged Kickstarter yesterday.

I know!  That's part of the reason I'm so glad you used it!


You sound like Ron Swanson talking about his best friend whose name he doesn't know.  "We still don't talk sometimes!"

Totally agree on the brushes!  Narrow ones suck.  I have a Spoiled called "Checkin' Into Rehab" which is a really bizarre name for "dark purple with sparkles."

I gasped out loud when they cut to him.

Ugh, what a jerk.  Are your ribs feeling any better or are they still as bad as they were initially?


He didn't message me, he must not have been interested. I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH

I looove that eShakti dress.  It's so wonderful for Fall!

I hate it when people wave me on even though I have the right of way.  Hey, dumbass, you're not doing me a special favor, you're too stupid to realize you're obeying a real traffic law!

WHOOO!!!!!  Excellent use of significant other name!

Oh, yes, I agree with LJo.  I can't believe nobody from my study abroad group didn't get destroyed by a bus in Australia.