You bastid

They have them in England and Canada, and when they finally come to the US it will be "this is what happens when people demand a $15 minimum wage."

And do we have any idea how the hell Gloria busted in there??

I live bicoastal in LA and Boston, almost everyone I know was a Sanders supporter, and I never heard word one from them, or anyone in any of the national Sanders forums I participated in, complaining about BLM.

I didn't get the impression she was going to run off; I got the impression she didn't tell Ray because a) he wouldn't let her go alone, and b) she knows how ineffective he is when dealing with Sy (or Emmitt).

Damn it. This was my question too…I just have a hard time taking anything with "Christmas Special" seriously.

I felt like the smug smile / tong twirl at the end of the Ernesto situation was a clue that Chuck knew what he was doing all along.

And if you're south bay specific, there's ANOTHER Vinny's right in El Segundo.

This is a horseshit argument made by people who have lived in LA for less than a year. I grew up in Boston and after 15 years in LA I'd be hard pressed to find anything better over there, except maybe Santarpios. La Roccos (westchester, culver city); Tomato Pie (weho, south pasadena); Vinnys in westchester, NY&C in

Hm, I like 3 Steely Dan songs and about 90% of Danzig's output prior to 1996. What does that make me?

The lazy way of doing it is by just covering stuff up. It got the term because you would carefully put, say, white tape over segments of a Coca Cola logo, to the point where it still looked like the logo, but the letters looked Greek. At least that's how it came about in the TV world.

That "estimated net worth" is 100% bogus. I had a minor celebrity friend, and according to google he was worth $25 million, when in reality he was worth well under a million.

And, of course, when you have a Very Against Police judge, they can't tell the difference between the Constitution and a piece of toilet paper.

Oh this is one of the WORST arguments against Hillary. As someone who is/was very slow to warm up to her, anyone with a 5th grade reading level knows that Byrd had LONG left - and condemned - the KKK and expressed deep regret for ever having been involved with them before ever meeting HRC. People can and have grown

I'm surprised the show didn't cover the prosecution's allegations that the gloves didn't fit because they had shrunk after extensive exposure to liquid. They brought in a brand new pair of identical gloves in the same size, and they fit him just fine, no conspiracy necessary.

As someone who does remember a lot about the trial, it was pretty much entirely about race, and it was VERY connected to Rodney King and the perceived racism
of the LAPD. Mark Fuhrman-much more so than the glove-is what got him acquitted. Barry Scheck's eviscerating of the DNA expert certainly helped, but it wasn't

Listen to it 10 more times. Song is fun as hell. Don't take it too seriously.

So the sound that was both influenced by and defined Southern California and…not a single show in Southern California?

Megan Mullaly's character on Party Down wrecked that show for me. I find her to be a comedy suck almost everywhere though, the only forgivable exception being Children's Hospital.

I'd say "Maybe, if you've already watched everything else." Nothing wrong with it, just not "must-see."

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