You bastid

So Steve Vai is technically superior to guitar playing?

Mickey D
For a while, all I could think of when I heard Michael McDonald was remembering a commercial for a 2CD 2Cassette compilation in which he's standing in front of a house, telling me that he keeps forgetting we're not in love anymore.

oh nooooooooo….
Really, this has been the most buzz killingly Friday Buzzkills ever. The Zach Braff news alone made me die a little bit more inside.

Wow, Brokeback Mountain and Chappelle's Show references in one thread? It's like 2005 all over again! Quick, somebody talk about how awesome it is that Family Guy is coming back.

Just to see how they'd react, The Red Cross Blood Bank told the victims of a giant earthquake that they no longer carried blood.
They. Freaked.

'Fore I die, I'ma Munk me a fish.