
They were pretty prudish in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries too. Titus, when it was mentioned, was reviled.

Harold Bloom has written creatively. He wrote a novel, which he apparently regrets. Also, Anxiety of Influence should count as creative writing too.
Also, I'm pretty sure Titus fell out of favor before the end of the seventeenth century.

Grooveshark doesn't have nearly the selection Lala had. Plus, many of its albums are incomplete and it runs much slower than Lala.

True—to be fair, questions about the second amendment should be included in all interviews.

On Lady Gaga "controlling her own image." Who gives a fuck? How is this interesting? How does this improve her music? Also, what does that phrase mean? Is Neil Young any less in control of his own image? Is Nelly? What kind of an idiot cares about musicians' images anyway? Like Katy Perry, Gaga makes bad music that

Quinn is conservative. He asked the question to get a passioned response. Settle.

Yeah—"politically incorrect" has been a guarantee of at least some success for at least a decade. It was the title of the show he ripped off. People go out of their way to use the phrase to praise books and tv shows. Has there ever been a cultural product you can say failed because it was too politically incorrect? In

I like that Perry keeps getting compared to Lady Gaga. They both suck and they both are successful largely on the basis of their outfits.
This Gaga phenomenon has been giving me scary flashbacks to the late 90s when people were taking Eminem seriously because he'd supposedly crafted all these intricate personas.

"Blue Velvet." The answer was "Blue Velvet."

I'd still rather watch that season than any subsequent one. Even the Will Ferrell years were marred by nearly every other performer besides Ferrell. And now, with a number of good performers, they're held back by horrible material.

On. The. Nose.

Still, that was basically a perfect post. I've never seen better.

Grooveshark sucks. Many albums on there are incomplete. There are often mislabeled songs. And it doesn't have half the catalog Lala has.

Commercials are just so good now! I honestly feel like we're in a Golden Age of commercials!

Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore both suck. That is all.

Part of the problem with Beck is a) he's paranoid, b) he makes a lot of shit up, and c) nobody is going to trust him on the stuff he's not making up because he didn't go after Bush about it. Did Beck attack Bush for harboring Cuban terrorists? Did he attack Alberto Gonzalez for firing 8 attorneys? Did Beck attack Bush

6 minutes—because the cop has the right to arrest him, but it's stupid to arrest a guy throwing a tantrum in his own home. If a cop does it, he should wait until there's no other option—that time should come well after six minutes. What was Gates "interfering" with? Nothing important. That's why the cop "acted

Also, calling something or someone racist does not mean you hate everyone in that ethnic group. Of course, Obama didn't call anyone racist in this case; he just criticized one white cop. That doesn't mean he doesn't like white people, it doesn't even mean he doesn't like that one white cop.

The cop arrested Gates after only 6 minutes in his house. Sure, he has the authority to arrest someone in his own house, but he acted stupidly to do so, and particularly stupidly to do so in just 6 minutes.
Many members of the Weather Underground have gone on to dedicate themselves to progressive causes. I don't like