
Just a handful of others, speaking just as few lines in Spanish. So, corrected, but only just barely.

But there are women in Blood Meridian. Sarah Borginnis and some others. They speak.
But McCarthy has also said in an interview, "I don’t pretend to understand women."

"A hustler from the streets climbs his way into wealth and, eventually,
unfathomable influence and power. It’s a remarkable, distinctly American

You're thinking of Sahara.

You're thinking of Sahara.

I guess he liked them a lot younger than we realized.

I guess he liked them a lot younger than we realized.

Taken 2: Take Harder

Taken 2: Take Harder

This looks like the kind of project you have to devote a weekend to.

I never get the Evangelical relationship to the apocalypse. They really think it won't happen without their intervention? They think God's up there getting angry because we're preventing him from apocalypsizing? Ditto with those who were calling Obama the Anti-Christ. If he is the Anti-Christ, shouldn't these people

Close-watcher—you ignore the initial point—that public schools in America are actually good. And diversity is nice, but no, it's not that important. Yet still, it is nice, and not just for inculcating liberal, tolerant values—also for exposing students to illiberal, possibly intolerant ones. Or to values that don't

I wasn't even referring to feelgood diversity stuff—I don't entertain discussions about feelings in my classes. But having diversity does help because having a black or hispanic kid in the class can help check a student when he's about to make some ridiculous, near-racist generalizations. Having students who actually

Crime: I'm thinking more of cases of wrongfully convicted—they get no respect from conservative sources. Look at Scalia's Kansas v. Marsh decision, when he defends the death penalty, or Connick v. Thompson. In both cases, Scalia basically appears unwilling to consider the possibility that an innocent man could have

But education doesn't stop at the school doors. Carter's kid can easily be further educated by her parents. If you're dedicated enough to your child's wellbeing to want to send them to the best school possible, then there's no reason you shouldn't be dedicated enough to expose them to learning opportunities they


It's misleading to say the education system in America is bad. If you're a rich liberal living in a rich liberal enclave, the public schools are good:

Is this based on the Agamben work?
You see, by asking this question I'm able to convey that I have read Giorgio Agamben. You know, the Italian philosopher? I'm hoping somebody noticed that I called it a "work" and not a "book." I'm pretty learned. Make sure you accent the final syllable of the final word of the

Going back to the 80s
is a horrible waste of all that kid's rollover minutes.

Needs Jimmy Castor
This list needs Jimmy Castor's "Bertha Butt Boogie," which makes reference to previous hits "Hey Leroy" and "Troglodyte." An all-time great.