
I'm worried about Dave, you guys.

I don't think it's true that he had a pill problem, but I hear he videotaped what Glenn Beck did to that young girl in 1990 (I'm talking about the rape and murder of the young girl in 1990 that Glenn Beck did). Apparently Limbaugh has the only copy and secrets it away like it's film of a Hitler orgy or something. Rush

Dave—When did Obama say he doesn't like white people?

Glenn Beck has always been a conservative, even when he "smoked pot every day for 15 years." I'm not even sure you could say he has "moved to the right" in any way. When I saw him on Headline News a few years ago, he was pretty far right—then his target was often the global warming fraud.

There's a risk of sounding racist here, but is Armond White in the same camp as Kelefa Sanneh and Sasha-Frere Jones, critics defending popular successes at the expense of so-called highbrow work? I'd never heard of White before, but that's sort of what this sounds like.

The Castle was great, and you don't have to be an Aussie to appreciate it. I think reviewers pull the "condescending" card too often, as the AV Club did in its review of the movie. It's an annoying way of trying to build some moral high-ground for oneself to stand on.
If I may cross-reference, the characters in The

Really? What did she ever do that was tolerable?

Yeah, I tend to blame Lorne Michaels. It seems like he's just desperately trying to stay relevant. Plenty of people on the show seem like they could be funny in another context (and some of them are). But, as Arsenio pointed out, they can get more buzz by covering people the audience is familiar with. They've gone

People complaining about the Mango sketch are complaining about the wrong era. That was after the cast overhaul in 1996, which brought us Cheri O'Teri, eventually Chris Kattan and Ana Gasteyer, and, yes, sucked. (Though Kattan did one great bit as a celebrity gossip reporter on Weekend Update).

The Farley Show sketch didn't seem to me to be done that often, and it was always brief. And they certainly haven't let up on awful talk show concepts to repeat since then. The Barry Gibb talk show keeps coming back, as did Bronx Talk, and that horrible joyologist one.

People like to piss on that transition year, and though it was worse than the preceding years, I'd still say it was better than anything in the last 7 or 8, and probably even better than the Ferrell years, which generally sucked any time Ferrell wasn't on stage. Still, that mostly just says how terrible the show

I'd like to second Arsenio's take on FG. It is far from perfect, but it still has jokes that make me laugh, which hasn't been the case with the Simpsons for almost a decade, or with American Dad ever. There are certain types of comedy that have no use for character development. Airplane is a great example. As are Marx