Russel from season 3

You are right of course, but he´s an actor. He can chose how to play a character. Just because his character is gay he doesn´t have to portray him any different than he did in the other 2 Star Trek movies. I can´t remember how he DID portray Sulu, but I think he did not go with "small, weak, effeminate".

True, but this reads more (to me that is) as "if I have to play a gay actor I will have to go and base him on Modern Family". Which makes him sound ignorant and that doesn´t fit with the rest of what he was saying here. That´s what made it stick out to me.

"And secondly, I was concerned that Asians and Asian Americans might see it as a sort of continuing feminization of Asian men."

The actor playing Piscatella is by far the most attractive man on any show right now. If he is not back next season then neither will I. The later is not true, obviously, as I really loved this season. The finale was fantastic and one of the saddest things I've seen in quite a while.

So sad to read this! It always seems to be fucking cancer… It might be a cliché but with his amazing comics he will never really be forgotton in a way. Not that this will do his loved ones much good right now. The guys over at ifanboy will be crushed.

This movie was such a nice surprise when it showed up on netflix. I knew nothing about it or it´s creator and went in not expecting much. I heard nothing but bad things about "oculus" but since this film was excellent I will now have to seek it out.

When I read that she made her first movie in 1996 I thought "so she doesn't really make movies for so long" and then I realized that was 20 years ago and now I feel old old OLD!

Berlin in Germany. I have only seen him live twice so far and both shows have been nothing but 3+ hours of fun.

Do I need even MORE reasons to love Springsteen? (No, but it also doesn't hurt)
So looking forward to the River tour!!

Not really, it just shows that this site (which I enjoy quite a lot) is guilty of body shaming, too.

Interesting to read this here. Especially considering that this site regularly points out how "unrealistic" it is when Kevin James makes another movie that pairs him up with a "hot wife".

Norma in her rain gear will hopefully become a iconic halloween costume.

Nobody should mention him. Ever. Whatever the reason was for the show to just drop his private life alltogether instead of exploring the self-hate and brainwashing makes no sense whatsoever.

To leave Cooper out of this list is a joke. Especially since the show was popular with the writers here.

I very much disagree with you, especially implying that being a normal masculine guy is not normal when you are gay.

I became active on the imdb messageboards when Vito came out on The Sopranos as people there were behaving like the biggest idiots imaginable. Some of the posters thought his death was a result of their negative reaction to him being gay and there was some really weird fanfiction of Vito killing a guy by sitting on

I am kinda afraid of saying that I found the original very boring once the beatings started. This could mean that I am a soulless human being with no empathy for fictional characters, but I like to think it only means that I turn against movies that try to "shock" or "outrage" me with neverending repetitive violence.

I watched this film once. On opening day, first screening, 4 persons in the theatre. Haven't watched it since then, (because it sucks and has no redeeming qualities) but wasn't it all about two gay men rebuilding each other out of women's body parts (thereby living the dream of all gay men)? Something like that? And

Well, can´t help how I felt watching it. It was non-stop action, but that doesn't guarantee that a film is exciting as well. I realized it was well-edited, it looked really good, the special effects were impressive… but it just became a blur of driving and shooting that ultimately left me bored and not engaged.

Tom Hardy was in Mad Max?!? I´m just kidding (kinda).