Russel from season 3

Well, we are also gonna pretend that he is an fbi agent (or something). He´s an actor. His sexual orientation really shouldn´t play a part in what roles he can play.

It seems that this film has everything I don´t want in a movie: a tragic story about a closeted lead character and lots of naked teenage bodies. Those things always seem to go together, usually managing to include british school boys, too.

Yeah, but no. He is doing what everybody should be doing: getting more and more people to protest that loathsome creature that pretends to be president. So: well done Michael Moore!

I will live longer than this loathsome creature and maybe even find a way to piss on his grave. Two things to look forward to.

God hes such a fucking terrible and loathsome creature.

After watching the first episode I find this review much too harsh!
The show so far has a lot going for it. The actors are really good, the sister is awesome, theres the bartender being played by the only likeable character from "looking" and one has to keep in mind that it is a comedy. So I can overlook the fact that

What this article strangely lacks is mentionimg the fact that for both comic and movie the spartan warriors were de-gayed. If they had remained gay like they were this film would still be garbage but the right wing assholes who love it so much would probably have a harder time embracing it.

"Everyone once in a while, when people want something really bad and repeatedly tell people how much they want it, the internet gods will shine down on humanity and make a miracle happen."

edited cos I mistook "the childrens hour" for something else.

Nope, why would people stop raving about the best concerts of their lives? Springsteen live in 2017 is still the best show you could catch. He´s still writing great songs (along with mediocre songs, but I think he´s always been like that) and when you hear him speak out about current events his heart seems to be in

Only if it´s a boy. 10 year old girl would be acceptable somehow. He was just grabbing her pussy. no big deal.

"people should be allowed to discriminate in the private sphere"

This film was simply amazing. For most of the time I was watching it with a stupid grin on my face and thinking "this is the coolest thing I have ever seen". Which - of course - is an exaggeration, but didn´t feel like it at the time. I heard in advance that this was pretty much a stoner movie so I went prepared and

So did this concert change her perception of Springsteen? I am not a religious person at all, but I think what I get from a Springsteen concert might be what some people get from going to church. On The River tour I had a moment where my thoughts were going "so I am here watching Springsteen with my best friend and my

Wrecking Ball! It will change your life!! (No, it probably won´t. But it´s so, so, so good.)

I also really like the version of "ghost of tom joad" if it were not for the much too long guitar solo. "Dream Baby Dream" and "Hunter" are songs that creep up on you, changing from "huh, that´s kinda boring" to "this song is in my head all day and it´s fucking amazing".
And the "hard times come and hard times go" part

"High Hopes" certainly can´t be "completely skipped" as there are great songs on it. I don´t understand the critical disdain for the album but then again I don´t have to, either. I can put it on whenever I want to and have a great time.
Also, this list is missing "radio nowhere" which is one of Springsteen´s best

No, movies are exactly the same mixture of awesome/mediocre/shit that they have always been. Gibson's absense from the movie business didn´t matter at all. Which is weird, since not seeing his smug face is a huge improvement in general.

Maybe it is. I hope he also sees it as a chance to break stereotypes and doesn't consider it a "burden". I also wished this wouldn´t have "leaked" before the movie came out so it could have been the non-issue within the film that the people working on this probably would have liked it to be.

I never really thought about the depection of asian men in movies and tv I have to admit. You do bring up good examples. Maybe it´s because of all the bara I read in my life but I never made the "asian = not traditionally masculine" connection. But keeping in mind what I read here in the comments his concerns does