Russel from season 3

Isn't it more about getting some well-known actor to play the role in order to create more publicity? I don't see any malice involved in the casting of the films you mentioned so this is nothing that I get pissed off about. But not being transgender myself I probably have the outsider perspective here.

Mad Max was the same as Carol to me: looking great, charismatic actors doing a very good job, but yet it had me bored more often than not without me turning against the movies. Which really is more than I get out of my average movie going experience nowadays. So… winners, both?

I felt the same way, but it wasn't the bad kind of boring for me. More like "this is shot beautifully and the actors are really good but I wouldn't mind if things would speed up a little bit". So it didn't make me turn against the movie, just made me wish I would have been a bit more drunk maybe.

it is never too late for that. I have been trying for a while to get my nephew into Bowie´s music and it works with some songs. So even if its a terribly sad time to start it might be great to honor him by spreading his music to the younger generation. So fucking sad.

what what what? This is terrible. I hope he didn't suffer. I don't know what to say.

No, you don't. You obviously have a different taste in men than me. Don't worry about it.

The homos with boobs love boobs!

Ok, that makes sense, thanks. Still I was really confused and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. This season has kept me much more entertained than I expected.

Maybe this is just me being really stupid (too stupid for AHS, which is more than a little embarrassing) but why did they pick the same actor to play both Valentino and that model that got killed last week?

I assumed your sexual orientation because it would make sense for a straight person to say what you said. But when I use the word "straight" I don't mean that as an insult. And as far as what gives me the "right to assume your sexual orientation" is concerned - that is the right to freedom of speech and thought.

Well, the final scene got huge laughs in my screening, but I doubt that was the directors intention.

Well, the final scene looked like she was altered by photoshop. A good movie, but that final scene is really laughably tacky.

Obviously. And kids pick up how to talk from their entertainment as well. It's a "if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem" kind of thing. Which Southpark is free to do.
But making an episode about how they use the word in a non-homophobic way is wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

Ok Lenny. But of course your sexual orientation will play a part in how you perceive entertainment. You are straight, right? Not that there is anything wrong with that, but when the whole world treats YOUR sexual orientation as the ultimate goal in life it is easy to say that it doesn't matter.
And I did watch this

I did say that Cartman is portrayed as "the bad guy". But I can see how my wording can be confusing.

I don't think being pc for the sake of being pc delivers good entertainment and I don't demand that the show changes to my liking, just to clarify that. I am glad it is out there and does whatever it does, but I am also glad I can satisfy my curiosity about it with these reviews.

I understand what you are saying and probably that is the intention of its creators. But when it comes to, for example, antisemitic words then the only protagonist who uses them is Cartman, who is more often than not portrayed as the "bad guy". When it comes to using the word "gay" as "lame" then it is all of the

It is not that I didn't "get" the scene. Although I think you give the writers to much credit regarding a deeper meaning or social commentary. I was seriously wondering how it would play with reversed genders and when real equality will actually be achieved.

While I don't watch Southpark regularly and therefore probably miss out on lots of plots I think the show sends very mixed messages regarding homosexuality. Which might be intentional for all I know. But the constant use of the word "gay" by the protagonists when they really wanna say "lame" (and yes, I am aware that

If the genders in the cafeteria beating were reversed and the violence was also played for laughs would this be considered "misogynistic" or "true equality"?