Russel from season 3

I am looking forward to the soundtrack just as much as to the series itself. Can I hope for a Julee Cruise appearance too?

I semi-liked Tarantino's work before the CSI episode, but I really hated that one. Everything I dislike about Tarantino's fims was in there multiplied by a dozen. I really REALLY hated that episode. While he appears to be quite a douche in interviews I kinda admire that he´s got his own style and sticks to it.

This was much better than I expected. Granted, the ending was a little weak since we are used to really dramatic cliffhangers, but it has me looking forward to the next episode. I do like the cast and want to find out more about them.

The fact that this is really happening is just mindblowing. There will be a full new season of Twin Peaks directed by David Lynch! If you are not into the series you can easily shrug this off or mock the love of the people who are so enthusiastic about it, but if you are into the series then this is the best thing

I have to say I never heard anything but "no rain" during the 90s and only discovered the first 2 albums later through a much younger friend. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have liked the music back then when my taste was much more pop-oriented and narrow. Sometimes it takes a bit of maturity to appreciate the good

Somehow I also got an "it follows" vibe from parts of this trailer, but if that is the film that influences the horror genre right now then I have no problems with that.

Thanks for getting me all excited about Regina King and then killing my entertainment boner with homophobia, Mr Ridley.

Me, I am aiming to get "tick pit" financed. It is about people getting thrown into a pit filled with ticks.

Probably my favorite trailer in forever. There is nothing about this that isn't awesome and reminds me why I love the horror genre so much.

So you think I would enjoy this show if I expected it to be total crap? I mean, sure, I would get the satisfaction of being right, but still the show wouldn't be any better because of it.

No, I came to this show expecting more than this! Much more! And I am grasping for things to like about it. But this week there was nothing. Well, there was Bex Taylor-Klaus kicking that idiot's ass on the wrestling mat. So that was 5 entertaining seconds. But there was nothing else. And believe me, I am looking for

Yeah, some things. Like public healthcare and social security.

Well, there is no shortage of songs to hate in general. Of course I would think the black eyed peas are the kings of repetitiveness, but they weren't picked for this week's hatesong. As far as "happy" is concerned I also really dislike the melody and the lyrics. Both of which are repeated what feels like countless

The repetitiveness of this song is probably the main reason to hate it. It makes the annoying thing seem to go on forever and ever. And if you hate to hear something and that thing keeps telling you how fucking "happy" you are supposed to be then it actually achieves the exact oposite. If that was the intent, then job

I read "Wolverine in wonderful leather outfits" and there goes the rest of my day.

And while not as great as the Hickman run I do think the recent FF series was very well done and fun to read. I will miss Leonard Kirk drawing The Thing a lot.

The casual racism and homophobia that people sometimes decide for no reason to share with me had me question if I was giving off some kinda vibes that would invite such conversations. But I think it is more because more often than not people don't encounter any resistance if they only say things with enough authority

There really is no reason for me to keep watching this show if all I do is focus on the things about it that do not work. So this time I tried finding things I liked. The music is not bad at times. Bex Taylor-Klaus' charisma keeps shining through. The "killer's lair" was fun, because they usually always are. The

Maybe because all the writers on those shows try to keep Bullet from being truly dead?

The problem is the writing on this show, that is clearly the problem here.