Russel from season 3

No, not a joke. I don't find anything funny about cyber bullying. The cruelness and pure evil that comes out of people that way is actually one of the most scary and disgusting things I can think of and it would lend itself perfectly to a weekly drama. Not this, as it turns out.

Have you seen her in "the killing" season 3? Because that was one of the best things that has ever been on my television! It would have been great without her, but she elevated it to something truly amazing!

The way the cyber bullying is handled is just a shame, as that kind of real world horror would be very interesting and timely to explore. And while I love the fact that Bex Taylor-Klaus is weekly (for now) on my tv her character does not make any sense. Shouldn't she actually CARE about her girlfriend killing herself?

The first "scream" is one of my favorite movies and Bex Taylor-Klaus is awesome so I was looking forward to this. And now having watched the pilot it turned out to be utterly bland and soulless. Maybe the show will gradualy improve with each asshole "character" that gets killed off?

I was really impressed by the kids acting, as he was both super annoying but also managed to act in scenes that showed that underneath the terrible brat was also a little boy who just wanted to be loved.

I saw "babadook" at a saturday night screening with a teenage crowd who expected something like "paranormal activity" with lots of jump-scares. By the time we had a masturbation scene that was not played for laughs you could tell how a large part of the audience slowly but surely turned against the movie. By the third

Grace is SUPPOSED to be a terrible, loathsome creature, right? I guess it makes sense that Emma is looking for a surrogate family with her mother being such a bitch, and her father really has no choice but to look for love in all the wrong places as he sure as hell won't get it at home.

The whole world would have needed Beowulf if they had used Winstone's real body and not just put his face on a GQ Model. And the film would have also benefitted from being a totally different movie.

I thought this looked really terrible with exceptionally bad and bland actors and I had no interest in seeing this. Then I get 2 seconds of Ray Winstone and now I HAVE to see this in 3D because Ray Winstone in 3D! And then I remember how great that turned out in "Noah" and I don't know what to do…

Gotta disagree (not so much on the visual, Asgard was much superiour when it comes to that). I did enjoy the humor of allowing Thor to be kind of a dick on earth. Of course all that was gone by part 2, but it was fun while it lasted.

True. But you don't have to pay for it and it doesn't take you 2.5 hours to read it. Or maybe it does. In that case I truly apologize for wasting so much of your time and making it not fun at all!

We are talking about the mutant-free Marvel movies, right? I can't stand Iron Man so I wouldn't include those films. (I did watch all three of them, either on a plane or dvd, but found it a chore to get through.) Thor1 was really good. GotG was great and so was Cap2, both of those are just great movies. Avengers1 was

Nothing about this film was fun. It was utterly generic and bland, with nothing that seperates it from the other, lesser marvel films that felt soulless and without any originality. Marvel was on a roll with GotC and Cap2, but this was utterly boring and not at all the "age of ultron".

Ruffalo is hot when he is all Hulk-ed out. Or at least as hot as CGI can get.

And they are not allowed to even mention somebody is a mutant? Because they pretty much implied that it was all caused by experiments.

I would say a B- is being really, really, REALLY kind to this film.

No, you are missing nothing about Chick. I find him irritating and out-of-place.

Considering how much I enjoy both "homeland" and Berlin, this is excellent news! I know it would be wrong to try and stalk Danes and Patinkin, but that's two crushes at once. I will never again get this oportunity back. (or my sanity, I sometimes fear)

While I have read X-treme X-men (of course I have, there's a hot gay wolverine and there's the brood!) I can not remember any incarnation of Cliff Barton that is as boring and ill-conveived as this films "Barton". Hard to talk about it without spoiling anything, but I kept thinking "please be live model decoys! PLEASE

I gotta disagree. I found Ultron to be the least engaging movie I have seen in a long time. And there was no Thurman to look at. She always is good to look at when the other things on the screen suck so much.