Russel from season 3

The fact that they call him at all is a miracle to me.

But what kinda background they are giving him… Whoever that guy is, that is not Hawkeye!

As far as I know the Rogue Cut was announced for a summer-ish release. I am really looking forward to seeing that and I'm hoping for lots of bonus material too, like on the first 2 Singer X-Men.

I would have been so happy if that had happened as Age of Ultron is even more of a disappointment than that Avengers. And has no Uma Thurman.

Thanks for the link. In my mind it wasn't even the brother who said that, but rather one of the bad guys. Or other bad guys I should say.

Since "adventures in babysitting" is mentioned here I have a question regarding that movie. I really liked it as a child. Now, living in Germany I watched it dubbed into german. And one thing about the film that bothered me even back then is when some of the bad guys call Thor "gay" and the little girl gets really

I think so too. The Trailer actually makes me want to watch it. Granted, I had the same reaction to "the happening", so that's gotta be taken into consideration.

Of course it did.. After all this is Modern Family. It didn't occur to you that my comment was supposed to be a joke? I think I can apply for a writing job for this show after all.

I have seen Oliver Platt in quite a lot of films over the years, but this was the first time I noticed that he talks with a little lisp.

He will right before he (tries to?) rape Norma again. Because this is where that character is heading, right?

Chick is just annoying I think. But that might have to do with my utter dislike of the actor portraying him. For all I know he is an awesome human being, but I just do not want to look at him. I guess he is supposed to be the comic relief?

So did the writers.

No, the beard is one of his few redeeming qualities. Although, now with Norma in his life it kinda feels to me like he's got two beards…

Well, she is not COMPLETELY useless. Remember that close-up of her hand holding the door open? Those fingers… Those nails… So. Fucking. Creepy.

Did Dylan tell Emma that he "knocked Norman up"? I might have heard that wrong, but this IS Bates Motel so I might not…

Either that or the producers asked Farmiga: "What do you feel like today?" "Well, it's a thursday so how about I shoot a cellphone and look awesome doing so?"

I really liked Cody and would warm up to the therapist too if he'd only shave off that floppy hair!

This might have been the most fun I had while watching tv this year. Nothing about this was not awesome!

I was all the way with you until I read that Ezra Miller would star in it (as Flash?) and he has been really great in the 2 films I have seen him in. So while I really have no interest in another version of the Flash I want this to succeed too.

Well, considering that he obviously wants to both rule and ruin my life I would have to go with… yes?