Russel from season 3

Well, there WAS a reason why I wore out my copy of "a league of their own"…

For some people it IS homophobia when gay people are portrayed as anything but saintly do-gooders who can do no wrong.

If it's a ranking one could almost believe that not everyone has the same taste as me. Which as a commenter on the internet I find highly offensive!

I think it is more likely that the professor will try to force himself on Norma and he ends up getting killed. Or they could have consentual sex but Norman interrupts them and the professor ends up getting killed. Or they do have family therapy and yes, that too will lead to the professor getting killed. He is fucked

I think the creepyness is part of his charm.

Nothing wrong with you not liking this show of course, but you say "everything about it is laughably bad" and that is simply wrong. The acting is great, so is the directing. Nothing about that is "laughable bad". I didn't expect to like this show so much but when I found out at the end of episode 6 that it was not the

SEXCRAZED was the highlight of the episode.

Yeah, what's up with them covering her breasts? They should totally show those breasts at least 5 times per episode (yes they're large) instead of putting her in those lesbian clothes!

Picking songs to listen to when somebody dies is hopefully a sane thing because I did that too. When I first heard Band Of Horses "funeral" I immediately thought that would be the song I would go to for comfort when my parents died. But when that time came I just couldn't. In case because I PICKED that song for it.

"his band of masochistic jocks prepare to toss foppish Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) into a dumpster"

It took me a while to get while you would chose that song in a time like this, but I finally got it. (and I hope your reply wasn't snark, which I often don't recognize here.) Hopefully the song helped you in that difficult time. I had to have my cat killed many years ago and that was one of the worst things in my life.

While it IS awesome that you dream about Twin Peaks it is kind of a bummer that it is season two. So there is James on a boring adventure and Nadine fake-wrestling? Good thing there is also the Red Room! Is there also music?

You are absolutely right, obviously! And you'd think I would have noticed that when I put it on earlier, but no…

No love for "bouncing off clouds"? (which I haven't listened to in years, but gonna put on right after typing this, so thanks) I always thought that would have been a perfect bonus track on "choirgirl".

Oh yeah, I finally bought that last year and listened to it in december quite often. While I did enjoy it then I would be lying if I said that I still remember any of the songs on it. But that could simply mean that I am getting old.

She hasn't made an album that is 100% great after "choirgirl", but "scarlets walk", "night of hunters" and "unrepantant geraldines" are all very good (and could be great if a bunch of songs would be cut). Since I am actually curious about this how are these albums "indefensible"?

I think it is her best album in a long, long time. I'd say give a listen to "wild way" and if that appeals to you then check out the rest of the new songs.

Your last sentence makes quite a lot of sense. I did really enjoy "clerks 2" despite having really low expectations, but was ultimately disappointed by "red state" which I had high hopes for.

You really gotta be more specific when asking that question.

What happened in your dreams? That is if you can remember them…