Russel from season 3

Here's the big secret: not everybody has the same taste. In my opinion "homeland" still is one of the best shows currently on tv, this season especially. Will everybody agree? Nope. That's ok though. Won't make me like it any less, won't change anyone's mind about it either.

Also, he is clearly an asshole.

It was a really tense scene. How often do you really fear for the life of a leading character in a tv-show or movie? But I am not disappointed at all that Saul did not get to kill himself! This season was incredibly tense already with the baby-drowning tryout and the abuse and murder of Krakow 2.0. Losing Saul as well

Of course this article is meant so every commenter wants to disagree with certain shows, but "Homeland" is still great, "American Horror Story" finally has a good (so far) season and there IS brilliance in season 2 of "Twin Peaks". So yeah, I took the bait…

As much as I like to look at Kevin James in uniform this film seems to be unwatchable. Getting through the trailer was a chore already.

The fact that I really like this version of Alfred probably says something about me, but this Alfred is awesome. Also: that other kid DID deserve it!

I know, a B+ for this particular episode is harsh. A- would be more accurate.

I can relate to what you are saying. There are certain King books that you read (and hopefully enjoy) but who don't stick with you afterwards. I have such love for his writing that I don't hold it against him, though.

Well… yeah… but… I would still be kinda likeable while actively screwing Saul, I hope.

I imagine him tweeting "nailed it!" when he used his phone later in that scene.

So giving this show the fair rating it deserves means a certain other show has to be reviewed as a trade-off? Are you making out with Brody too? In which case: good for you!

I liked Dr Sleep allright. The main problem for me was that setting something up as a Shining sequel raises your expectations to more than unrealistic heights. Also I wish we would have gotten to know the "evil" characters better, as I think the most interesting story lay with them. Sounds to me this new book has the

Thanks! That link is really helpfull. Not that I don't love both films a lot even though I can't say I "understand" them. For me, Lynch is all about creating a mood and he is pretty much perfect at that.

I agree, good thing the reviews are back. I only found out on this sites comments section how popular it seems to be to just shit on this show for being a dick's sake, so these reviews are really much appreciated for being entertaining and well-written.

I can see what you mean. The editing wasn't perfect (but what is on this show? Except for Michael Chiklis!), but for me it wasn't hard to put things together. And even though people have done it before and I watched it several times, can you PLEASE explain to me what is going on in Mulholland Drive? That diner scene?

Her punishment for Dandy's murder: "Go to your room and don't show your face for the rest of the day".

Which translates to: "There's nothing wrong with your taste, but what you like tastes likes puke".

It annoys me to no end that you get online here and call Michael Chiklis a "sloppy bowl of dough", but I have to live with it I guess.

No, not the only one at all. If we can't get a Chiklis-in-underwear scene I would settle for a sweaty-strongman-workout montage.

It will be the Gotham/Penguin debate all over again.