Russel from season 3

I always thought Ben Grimm was the perfect love interest.

I find Gordon to be very Sherman-esque already. Where do you see the difference between these two characters behaviour?

One of my least favorite cinematic experiences was watching "halloween" in a double feature with "scream" in 1996. The audience was pumped up to see Ghostface and was not into sitting through the slow build and "old fashioned" storytelling of "halloween" so they were talking and yawning and basically ruining it for

In his defense, you could understand what he was saying.

Both of you are right, depending on your taste in men.

It was SUPPOSED to be "nee", which is kinda the german "nope". But the pronounciation was really wrong so it sounded danish (or something) to me.

What about Lange's terrible accent? I know it was supposed to be german, but it was really not. If not for the english subtitles I would have been lost.

If you really think about everything that this fuckup symbolizes it can depress the fuck out of you.

That's what my brain wanted to make me believe the headline said and it worked for about 5 glorious seconds.

We are talking about THIS show, right? Because there is Barbara "Is it because it was a woman?" Gordon and Renee "I had 10 lines in 5 episodes, so I am a real character" Montoya.

It would make no difference whatsoever if there was a decent ammount of diversity in the cast of characters.

There is no such thing as a pre-mustache Jim Gordon!

Gotta love your optimism!

"I don't know why I'm surprised that someone named "Oliver Sara" is gay"

Does MacKenzie looks like Jim Gordon to you?!?

"Tina Fey finding two mentally ill dudes with the same job to hypnotize" hopefully is that new project I keep hearing she is working on. Because that would be awesome!

"They" are also one billion percent more likely to notice random things that were put into a script or an actor's performance that can be interpreted several ways.

I know it won't happen but if the next episode consists of nothing but Bullock beating up Gordon for 40 minutes it would make me so very happy.

The fact that you are not a bat-fan most certainly works to your advantage in this case.

Always HATED dressing up as a kid and do not like the notion that I am "dressing up in everyday life to fit the heteronormative something" as I think that is total bullshit.