Russel from season 3

I wouldn't know because the shoulder was a total attention whore, even outdoing Fish Mooney.

Between Barbara saying she didn't tell Gordon about Montoya "because she was a woman" and the show turning a gay kiss into a glorified close-up of a shoulder (intercut with putting the "lusty male gaze" upon what was supposedly happening behind said shoulder) "gotham" starts to feel kinda… uncomfortable.

No harm in thinking that way. Lynch is not for everybody. That leaves more Twin Peaks for me!

I like Cooper a lot, but I think I like season 1 Audrey much more.

Is there a big age difference between them? This is not meant as snark, but I can never really tell the age of the CW leading characters who all seem to come from the same mold.

"Southland" was so good. Especially starting with season 3. So if you do like MacKenzie and want to see him in a great show I can't recommend checking out "southland" enough.

Except for the missing Michael Chiklis this was actually pretty good. I am sure I won't feel this way about the season for long, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. The clown was great and Life On Mars was fantastic. This was so much better than I feared.

The first one was simply boring, so pretty much anything had to be an improvement to that. But reading this review sated whatever small interest I had in the sequel, so thanks for that.

You didn't notice Gloria's nip slip in the upper right corner of the video screen?!?

Well, that is SOMETHING interesting about this series then!

Because of… ?

It felt to me like the music often was building up to morphing into the "walking dead" opening theme. Which is not a bad thing!

It definitely depends on how the story is handled. The current Batman writer Scott Snyder is really good at what he does, so while the concept certainly can be seen as silly the execution is not. I think we have a different interpretation of the word "campy", but that is okay.

Since I don't know who Amy Tan is (Amazing Amy?) I am not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Grampa, I know back in your day comicbooks WERE all cheesy and campy, but that hasn't been the rule since the 80s anymore.

Why does everyone seem to think that Barbara's bisexuality is a secret?

But comic books haven't been this silly and campy in ages.

Actually watching MacKenzie here makes me miss Southland big time, especially since his acting skills seem to be on the limited side and what worked for Southland just seems stale and blank here.

For all I know he could be a decent human being in private, but watching him get beaten up by bullies in "karate kid" made me root for the assholes, which certainly made me lose many karma points. Fish Moony probably took some acting advice from him in preparation for this role.

Have there been any hints at all about his sexual orientation? Why would him being heterosexual surprise you?