Russel from season 3

Seeing McKenzie chasing the hot not-killer made me realize how much I still miss "southland".

Anthony Anderson in a potentially good tv show? This has me intruiged!

So there are masculine men in "maze runner"? They must have left them out in the trailer for some reason :-)

Is "woof" no longer a bear thing? It is applied to slim hairless young men now? I feel so old…

That episode of "cold case" is probably my favorite of the whole series. A highly underrated show in general that was often close to brilliant. I remember being surprised that a Bruckheimer production could be this thoughtful and simply good instead of just flashy and wannabe-cool.

As far as the fish expression is concerned, nope, never heard that in my life. And as a german who likes to swear I would have remembered something as strange as that. There is quite a lot of mindboggling stuff in that list.

I am. For many years now. They don't give a shit.

So this shows that for every english word or expression that deals with feces there is a german translation?

I am not sure the kids nowadays still love him enough for him to get the lead in a big budget action movie, but I for one would love to see Marilyn Manson star in this. He'd be perfect on so many levels. Also, he's got a y right there in his name so that will look nice on the poster.

Why didn't I ever hear about those mythical folk tales growing up in Germany? Also "inordinate amount" of expressions? I take it that book is either located in the fiction section or dealing with the former GDR as everyone knows those people were weird!

Never trust google translate, because that does not make any sense.

Stupid indeed. Also the implication that there is anything wrong with anal penetration is very annoying. Certainly not a statement this movie's heroine would ever make.

Please yes! But even if he doesn't get naked or oily I surely will while watching all of his scenes in slow motion!

I agree. Prometheus was conceived as a trilogy, but Blade Runner is pretty much perfect as it is. The music, the visuals, the attitude… I really don't want to see this world getting "expanded".

Actually a whole movie of Lisbeth running around with Magneto's head on a planet full oh bodybuilders and Giger-inspired creatures sounds totally awesome! And kinda sexy, not gonna lie about that.

I really thought I was going to miss this show next summer. But this final episode cured me of that. What I will miss is Pam. And Eric, as long as he shares a scene with Pam. Maybe my good will for this show can all be traced back to Pam? Was that really all we had for the last seven years, True Blood?

Why couldn't the rest of the cast BE Russell Edgington's Thanksgiving feast?

Not enough Lafayette? Come on, he WAS sitting at that table in the final scene. What more do you want? Lines for him? A plot? Please, this show is an "allegory for the gay rights movement" after all, so you can't squeeze him in between all the straight romances and straight marriages.

His work on "daredevil" is one of the best things I have ever read. I stopped reading his new works just before "300" came out and it seems for once I knew when to get off.

Just because they are young doesn't have to mean they can't learn that there you share the name with another Finn who has been one of the most important artists of the recent past. The more you know…