Russel from season 3

So "game of thrones" has a hot strongman fucking and being shirtless (pantsless?) all the time? I have been told that I would enjoy this show but why hasn't anyone told me the real selling point before?

Hernan, I see your grammar has improved. Your attitude… not so much.

Dead Poets Society was also my absolutely favorite movie as a kid. I showed it to my nephew last year and he also liked it a lot. It holds up so well and - in my opinion - it is Williams' best role. One of the few movies that is filled with amazing performances and changes the viewer, at least it did for me. For that

I would magine that reading and hearing again and again how much people hate your work and you as a person must be a terrible thing even for the most self-confident and self-assured person. It certainly is cyber bullying, but when it is aimed at a celebrity it seems ok for most people. Maybe it is time to re-adjust

This is much more interesting than any of the "mysteries" the show comes up with!

He is NOT singing "denser"?
Also, doesn't "dancer" sound exactly like "denser", so how can one mishear it?

If they also bring in Franka Potente this coming season might all be a Vic Mackey fever dream. In other words, yes, I am also looking forward to this season. It is a strange world.

You didn't need to read about the semen, Martin is on the boobie side, it's all good!!

Co-writing maybe?

This looks so good! If I had a comicbook shop that carried it in my area I would make an exception from reading trades only. Simonson is simply amazing.

I do hope the irony in what you just wrote is obvious to you.

Except for the twist this is a great movie. Could have been a fantastic movie. I had such high hopes for Aja's future and while I quite enjoy parts of the "hills have eyes" remake there is nothing redeemable about "piranha" and silly "mirrors".

Two reasons: he's a fantastic actor. He's fucking hot. Who doesn't love that combination.

Personally I think everything with Winstone is worth watching. The trailer for this looks… depressing, so it did not move right to the top of my must-watch list, but it's certainly on there now.

I assume you have seen the movie, so you obviously want to spoil this for everyone who hasn't and that is just a shitty thing to do.

I saw "Traffic" without the subtitles turned on for the mexican scenes. I thought it was pretty awesome that the director went that way, but I did not really understand what was happening.

I didn't! But now I'm intruiged!

As far as his commitment to this role is concerned, he (and McGregor) were pretty awesome whenever they were asked the typical "what's it like to play gay/kiss a man" questions in interviews.

The one film that features a naked Ray Winston fuck scene that is impossible to jerk off to.

You don't know me but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not a perfect movie, but a good one.