Russel from season 3

What is genderqueer?

Well, only 5 (?) more episodes to go. They had to squeeze the speech in *somewhere*…

It is too bad that the characters on the show did not pick up on James being bisexual and immediately call him gay. Sure, it makes sense coming from dumb Jason, but Jessica?

I do enjoy this current season much more than the previous ones. That seems to be a minority opinion, but that doesn't make it any more valid.

Why do people call James gay when he obviously has feelings for both Jessica and James? That's the thing about this episode that really pissed me off, even more so than Bill's boring flashbacks.

If only the top 10 songs nowadays were even half as good as these… That's probably the old man in me talking combined with the fact that I only know the songs by Bush and Morissette but they were and are awesome!

Millar considers it "edgy" to have his protagonists use homophobic slurs (at least he used to do this in the stuff I read from him years ago, maybe he has grown up by now?) so I would not call that "coming out ahead".

None of the books you read mention his relationship in the mid-70s with transgendered Romy Haag' who back then hadn't medically adjusted her body?

Whoever said bisexuality is complicated? But it seems like you WANT it to be some big dramatic thing, which it clearly is not, so how about "get over it"?

I read some of your other comments by now and you really don't seem to understand the concept of bisexuality and that seems really weird.

You really don't know what bisexual means? Please tell me that you are joking!

It certainly is a "crowd pleaser". Except for the long running time that may scare some people off I can't think of a reason why this shouldn't have a large crowd appeal.

Seriously? Here in germany everyone over the age of 6 can see this. There is NOTHING in it that demands for another rating.

This was easily the best movie I have seen this year. 2 hours in I looked at my watch and realized I still had one hour to go and I was happy about that. Somehow I doubt I would have felt the same way watching "transformers".

He is a successful stoner nerd who gets to make a living doing movies and podcasts. I imagine that generates quite a bit of envy.

I thought it was very funny at times. It had the typical Smith "imperfections" but that is to be expected. Still a funny, enjoyable movie.

Hopefully he will change his mind when he gets there himself.

Michael Chiklis playing a strongman? In a week full of bad news that is just amazing! Not that it wouldn't be amazing in any other week.

So the video I linked to would not be considered ironic if seen in the context of just how freaking sunny it is in Russia?

What leads you to that conclusion?