Russel from season 3

A more realistic look at just how sunny life is in russia would be this:

"all my hatred of bands over the age of 60 still touring and charging a mountain of cash"

When I started reading the comments here I was hoping it would not be all "haha he's so fat" because deep down I still like to believe that people are capable of suprising me in a good way.

Here's a weird thought: maybe she thinks he's hot too.

Why not simply cast actors who are not underweight or skinny in the first place? This whole "you are only worthy of screentime if you fit into mold A with room to spare" has always seemed to silly to me.

Just got done finally watching this episode and, like the last two weeks, I quite enjoyed it. The good definitely outweighed the bad for me. Entertaining though badly constructed storylines. This show hasn't been this good in a couple of years even though all the parts don't seem to fit together.

Sometimes sarcasm isn't clear to me, esp if it involves having knowledge of your comments history. I hate how people who don't fit into the "hollywood leading actor pretty" category always get insulted for looking like actual human beings. Some of the comments here are downright youtube worthy.

So in your view of the world fat people can't be attractive also? Also, "smelly and crude" goes along with being fat? But let's hope that you are just being sarcastic and me failing to get it. That happens.

Who DOESN'T watch reruns of "Roseanne" (or owns the dvds of the many great seasons)?

We all know which season was the best!

And I hope they will continue doing so!

I am enjoying it too. Which I really did not expect. I thought this episode was really entertaining and didn't piss me off too many times, so that's the best "true blood" I had in a long long time.

This looks and sounds amazing. And this will also be available as a mp3 download so that is great news as well.

I thought the pilot was great, even though the "twist" did not really come as a suprise.

Snyder's "batman" is pretty great. But that's the only DC book I still read so you are not really wrong.

That makes sense. And in british english the word n****r only refers to a black man, so it's all good.

You get it by being bitten by a radioactive asshole.

Considering that Jason has never been much more than a living sexdoll you make a lot of sense.

Do I dare say that I actually quite enjoyed a lot of this episode?

I am not sure if I have ever turned against a movie as fast and as thorough as I have against "crash". Just remembering that freaking rescue scene with that over-the-top music is enough to make me become a racist just to spite Haggis.