Russel from season 3

The novel was great, that's what it was. I think pretty much everybody who read it was excited for the show to happen. And now one has to spend all day explaining to people "no, the book really has nothing to do with that piece of shit they put on tv! Honestly!".

Because it totally disregarded the source material and turned it into generic boring crap. Not even the promise of more Dean Norris in tight shirts will get me to tune in for the second season.

I feel context and intent is always important. If I was really pissed off at a gay person and really wanted to hurt him or her I would probably go and use a homophobic slur. I am not straight and I don't hate anyone because of their sexual orientation. But if that word would get the job done so to speak, then that's

"he did thankfully point out that “there was no sex or nudity involved.”

Please guys, at least use the correct spelling.

But when you are in the public eye and get caught saying something offensive, wouldn't you want to clear up why and how you meant it? Otherwise people will think you (the celebrity, not you misterseize) are even more of an idiot than they already take you for.

But when I use the c-word as an insult I don' want to say that vagina is bad or inferior.

I am not sure who was offended by his words, the paparazzi probably creamed his pants with glee. I think Hill hates the thought that someone would now think he's a homophobe. Saying homophobic things don't always have bad impact on ones career so I did not get the impression that he did it only to do damage control

The usual non-apology apology "I'm sorry if anyone got offended by what I said" would qualify as just that and we still hear that all the time. The guy here seems to be really upset about what he said and the fact that he gets teary eyed about it makes him only human. A fistpump and "my bad, bro" would be so much

I think Hill has the mindset to use a word that he knows is hurtfull when he wants to hurt someone.

Thanks. That sounds interesting.

What is it with not being able to read then? Just the IDEA of reading was really scary. Even more scary than Pennywise was for my 12 year old self :)

Same here.

I am hoping (no doubt in vain) that this is some kind of crossover with the great comic series of the same name by Tim Seely and Mike Norton.

Well… this might be considered a

I had no idea. The fact that Samual Jackson is in it and the director made the terrible second "paranormal activity" would normaly put it on a do-not-watch list for me, but all I can think is "at least Roth couldn't turn it into a mindless gore orgy" so it's all good!

I read most of that book years ago. I even downloaded the songs that
keep getting mentioned to have a proper soundtrack for it. While I
remember one or two short stories after the main story I will have to
see what "1966" is about. You got me curious now…

You are in for a treat! Does your edition include the amazing drawings from Bernie Wrightson?

Depression didn't let me focus enough to really read. Also, sitting down with a book and just trying to understand one sentence after another just scared me.

For me it is actually the other way around. After not reading anything for quite a few years "cell" was the one that got me back to reading King and reading in general.