Russel from season 3

I also read "the shining" as a teenager and in preparation for "doctor sleep" re-read it for the first time last year. It turned out to be a totally different book for me, as I now related much more to Jack Torrance and the terrible hopeless situation he found himself in. Something that went totally over my head as a

I just got the "everything's eventual" collection and was planning on catching up on that, but now it will have to wait a litle longer. It won't mind.

"Needful Things" is not late 90s, is it? Because I remember buying it as soon as it came out (and loving it, because it is awesome). Maybe I missed more of his early 00s work instead.

I pretty much loved "Blaze", except for the finale which seemed very rushed. I enjoy how he writes not just one genre and some weird part in me would really love to read something as silly as a romantic comedy written by him.

Oh Robocop 2…. I was the biggest Frank Miller fanboy back then and was so excited to see a film written by him. That didn't last for very long. After the movie the boy I went with insisted on demonstrating his roundhouse kick to me. That was less embarassing than the movie.

"Forrest Gump" was an eye-opener for me. That was the first time that I went to see a supposedly classy blockbuster and my mind finally started to think for itself and proclaimed "this is a fucking piece of shit, no matter what the critics say". I work with disabled people and the percentage of assholes amongst them

Few movies I hated as much as fucking "mystic river". I had friends (those were the days) who raved upon it back then and when one finally made me watch it I hated it even more than fucking "i am sam".

No apology was ever needed as I was never offended by anything you said, and why should I?

11.22.63 was a joy to read. Something I initially didn't expect. Also: terribly sad at times. Maybe it is me getting old, but I never really noticed the ammount of nostalgia and melancholy in his books as much as I did in recent years.

Early on in "joyland" the protagonist pretty much proclaims "nobody beats cancer, everyone who gets it will die from it" and I had a really hard time sticking with the book for a bit. Otherwise: perfect melancholy summer read in the sun.

I have maybe an 8 year period in my life where I couldn't read anything, so there's a bunch of King novels from the late 90s still waiting for me to discover, but otherwise I have been reading him since I was twelve. Even when he's not at his best it still is great comfort food, but when he's good he makes me love

"Cell" was awesome. Even more awesome: Eli Roth's plan to ruin it on the big screen never happened. I take such joy in that.

I had no idea this was out already so this is a great little surprise. It seems like "doctor sleep" (both under- and overrated) came out just yesterday and wasn't that carnival book whose name I can't remember my summer read of last year? He's putting out books like crazy! Is he afraid of not being able to tell all

No no, nobody hates STORM, the character. But do you know anyone who likes Halle Berry (in this role or in general)?

Mystique and Destiny weren't allowed to be an official couple because of some asshole editor who called the shots at Marvel at that time. Good thing those times are over. I remember Rogue saying something like this on Northstar's wedding: "I wonder if it had been good for my mom's to get married too."

Also she was a drawing :)

But "shitting" on it is the only thing one can do with X3 as it is certainly unwatchable.

People love to complain (I know I do!), so when a film is as good as this one it is only a matter of time until the backlash is starting. Especially finding out about deleted scenes and subplots will make you confuse yourself with a brilliant filmmaker.

It is… interesting (?)… that you would see the character as a lesbian because she was "unpleasant, gruff and annoying".

I think it is pretty misogynistic of you to say that Mystique only got as much time onscreen here because the young woman playing her became "the flavour of the month".