Russel from season 3

But the beard is the only decent thing about Augustin. Not everyone can grow such a thick one. So at least he has that.

As far as the acting is concerned only Richie was really outstanding. I am not saying the other actors are bad, but they were really nothing special. This is not meant in a bad way, but that's just me trying to be realistic.

Expressing your feelings usually makes you look like it is all about you, you, YOU and feels self-congratulatory. Gotta keep it bottled up and feelings are for girls anyways!

It's all in the eyes of the beholder. I thought there was no chemistry between these two at all and their whole thing tonight played out like a season-finale-constructed-obstacle (but then again, this is not reality so everything is a construct).

Did that happen on that show? Might have to add it to my must-watch list.

You'd like her MORE now you know she's a serial killer! Did you notice they didn't have an open casket funeral? That's because the teacher's body is in Emma's bedroom. Slowly getting turned into a body suit for the evil mastermind. All part of her plan to slowly drive Norman crazy. Just wait until she pays him a visit

My head is full of ideas of what this show actually should do, but I am wondering if it would be as much fun as I imagine. Maybe all the teasing and hinting is more interesting in the long run. I am not just talking bout the incest stuff, but I have a whole backstory for Emma and her bedroom full of taxidermist-ed

Is it wrong that a part of me (not my penis!!!) is voting for "they will"?

DP getting done TO Snyder or is he one of the penetrators?

Is it embarrassing that Norma calling the council meeting dick a "dick" had me actually say "fuck yeah" out loud? I guess I am a total fanboy for Farmiga in this.

I am all for "not conventionally attractive" as there is nothing more
boring than the homogeneous blandness of a typical tv-show love

Considering that Emma obviously is the secret driving force behind all the evil that is happening in White Pine Bay, Oregon it is only a matter of time until she gets the screentime she deserves. Her carrying around a tank full of laughing gas is a not so subtle hommage to "blue velvet"s Frank Booth after all. "Candy

There IS a man named Bradley in this show. It has not yet been revealed, but just wait for it!

Actually that stupid, stupid line comes directly from Miller's comic, so Snyder can't be blamed for that (as much as I'd like to blame him for everything). Doesn't change the fact that the film bored me terribly and took me a couple of days to get through.

Well, you might want to check out the more extreme works of Gengoroh Tagame if you need some more comics that would be a tad difficult to turn into film.

Say what you want about Lynch's "Dune" but it makes for at least one interesting viewing experience, especially when you can compare it to the book.

But in that case "Elektra" would win because Jennifer Garner. And I am sure living in a world where "Elektra" is the best superhero movie would lead to worldwide Putin-ism.

"Man of Steel" LOOKS really beautifull. That is something Snyder is really good at. Unfortunately it is also the only thing he is really good at.

Well, they de-gayed history for "300" so that cancels itself out I believe.

Don't make me defend Snyder. Boll is a hack. At least Snyder's films are… competently made and look good even if they are without soul or emotions.