Russel from season 3

He made it boring, which is a problem I have with most of his movies. Sure, there's all kinds of nifty CGI and slo-mo and pretty colors, but if there is no soul in the movie why should one care?

Personally I think "thinly veiled homoeroticsm for meatheads" sounds just great, but can you give me an example of that in Snyder's work?

He looked like a totally different person. If my partner would suddenly change his or her appearance that drastically I would certainly make a bigger deal out of it. But maybe I am just kinda superficial?

If you want to take something positive from that experience, how about: this kills the stupid myth that gay men are genetically engeneered to have good taste.

Bruce Eric Kaplan has also written for "Seinfeld", so the similarites make even more sense. I was happy to see his name in the credits as he has written one of the best hours of television with "Six Feet Under"s episode "the dare". No wonder I really liked "flo" as well. I didn't expect to as I really don't want to

In Richie's defense: if you look at the way Patrick acts, what would you expect from the rest of his family?

What kind of person would want a reboot of Queer as fuck?!?

So when your boyfriend shows up at your door and suddenly looks like a freaking 14 year old boy you just say "oh, you shaved" and that's it? Oh Patrick, why don't you just get together with that asshole wanna-be artist and get it over with - you'd probably make a great couple.

So if you like a show with lotsa gay characters you must like the fucking Oscars but not like football?

Why would anyone want to google "fat movies" unless you are looking for films that ridicule people who are not thin?

Wouldn't that be downgrading though?

Ugh… "mouthbreathers like Clooney"… this made me log in just to say how nobody using the term "mouthbreathers" has ever said anything I agree with (or looked good saying/writing it). So, obviously a cheap attempt of the AV crew to get me to log in. Job well done, you little rascals.

Can't I get to view both of these shows?

Me, I am still crying about the fact that he turns out to be an actor and not a hairdresser.

Not sure what you find "so fucking stupid" about it, but to each their own.

Season 1 was surprisingly great fun and I had no idea that I couldn't wait until march 3rd.

I knew and always thought she was really lucky.

Wasn't she the kind of "lesbian" who would turn into "mostly-straight-but-bi-curious-for-sweeps" when the writers lost their balls or cunts or something?

While I don't share your fear of Margulies (I quite adore her actually) I am terribly afraid of Grace Jones ever since watching "Vamp" as a child. I just know she would eat me alive if given the chance.

That goes without saying. Also her boyfriend, if that what the bearded guy with the glasses is.