Russel from season 3

I would say they started at the schoolyard, but I am from Germany where there is no such thing as roasting.

Also one of my favorite childhood movies. I am sure I did not get all of the satire back then (and maybe not even now) but I found it really funny and "adult" and had the biggest crush on Nolte. So as far as I am concerned this film is pretty much perfect.

Neither one is my type but I am pretty sure sex with Darryl would be more exciting.

Good that this is all settled now!

Isn't most (or at least lots) of violence unprovoked? In real life at least. Movie violence usually comes with an "excuse" or explanation for it being necessary.

I would have liked for him to explain to me the end of "cache". Because I need a lot of explaining when it comes to that films final scenes.

I do like violent movies a lot, but although I did not "like" Funny Games I found it so fascinating and well-made/acted that I watched both versions. The austrian lead shows her breasts, Naomi Watts doesn't. So what does that signify?

So it would be like American Horror Story without the characters changing their personalities from week to week? That does sound great.

More dialogue for next episode:

It's been 4 years since the book came out? I still remember reading it. I enjoyed it so much. And just reading those plot points again makes me even more angry at this "adaptation" of it. Why adapt something when you don't use the source material? That is just evil.

The longer it takes to read the novel the richer your life will be for that time.

The opening shot of the caterpillar seemingly floating in air reminded me of the opening shot of Avatar where also some shit was flying in air, looking all cool to my not-used-to-3D eyes. And that reminded me how I had such high hopes for Avatar and how they all got crushed so quickly. That film and this show have

Isn't a good Tom Cruise impersonation required to be terrible for it to be acurate?

But wasn't it the point that both she and Hawke were really unfit to live in the real world what with them being all arrogant, feeling wrongly entitled and treating everyone like shit who dared to act in a decent manner?

As you should. That is a great song. I own one of her albums and while I really do love it I never felt the need to check out anything more from her. That is like the perfect dose of Loeb and I am quite fine with it.

Rape is not the point here. I don't have to clarify that, but I do. Please don't make me get into any details here, but if you have seen the first season of this show and don't understand what I mean then it would be pretty useless for me to try and explain it.

I never saw "The Human Stain", but "Prison Break" was really, really bad. Also - at least in it's first season - full of gay panic, so working on that show must have been a very inviting environment for him staying closeted.

Well, if nothing else it will make some people who had no idea about the terrible homophobic laws in Russia aware of them now. And one or two of them might actually care.

"Black Lesbian wants to sulk some more and process her wife's death off-camera."

The good thing when you hatewatch something is that you can feel smug when another episode does suck. "See, world? I was right! That was one hour well invested and I am really proud of my superiour intellect."