Russel from season 3

Especially since the book was awesome.

Who is Mike Vogel?

I hope the show will turn Junior and Angie into it's very own supercouple. Jangie? Yeah, I like the way that sounds!!

His work on "punisher war zone" is one of the things that made me fall in love with comics again when I thought I had "outgrown" it. That and the fact that his punisher looked really hot.

As much as I love John Romita Jr's artwork I hated the first "kick ass" comic so much. Millar's writing is just terrible. It's like a little kid screaming right in your ear "pay attention to me! I matter!" and not realizing that doing so will only make me think even less of you.

That is really generous indeed. I think when it comes to "it" (the series, not the book) a lot of the goodwill towards it is nostalgia. Nothing wrong with that though.

This is a reply to your latest posting, to which I somehow can't reply directly.

That was supposed to be a metaphor. You know, vampires (more beast than man) sucking blood, babys (the most innocent beings) sucking breasts. Even though we are all different we are also all connected by this. You come into this world and you suck, you die and get turned into a vampire you do suck more. It is the

I would have preferred if Terry had started to eat the fish alive. That would have been one flashback to make me go "I did not see that coming" instead of feeling like a time-filler.

Why do you automatically say that you would fast-forward through a gay sex scene on this show? This is not porn after all and while you may chose to do so not every scene of this show is supposed to arouse your penis (or vagina, sorry if I am stereotyping but I pretty much think you are a man).

"though also a rare example of a show where the Canadian/US remake was
actually more oriented towards gay viewers than the cliche-ridden,
take-your-pick-of-male-models, bear-free UK version"

Sure there is homophobia in this show. Look at how the gay or bi characters are treated. Do they have ANY plots this season? One at least?

Well, this was probably the most boring episode of this show that I have ever seen. I did not care about the funeral and all those unnecessary non-interesting flashbacks which kept on coming. And coming. And coming. And then that old guy sings. Nice voice and all, but was I bored by this funeral.

Well, if you enjoyed the novel you might be better off not watching the show. Knowing how good (and fun, and exciting) the source material is and then seeing what they turned it into is not a fun experience in my opinion.

They want to bury the baby?!?

Well, you learn something new everyday. So from this review I learn that a "monarch" is a butterfly. Being not aware of this made this episodes "cliffhanger" pretty hard to figure out. I had no idea what that final scene was supposed to be, so to me the episode just ended and left me scratching my head wondering what

Interesting! So since many of these vampires were turned in other centuries we are too asume that body-grooming on men was always a thing?

Well, turning great books into movies (or tv-shows) does sound like a great idea in theory, but more often than not the result is the new "great gatsby" or "under the dome". Good source material unfortunately does not guarantee a good adaptation. I am afraid the entertainment world is seriously fucked.

I am sure they could have been some really interesting characters (in another show), but as it was they were "black lesbian" and "lesbian doctor" and that's all they were. Why should the audience care about them when the show obviously doesn't? When one of them runs out of insulin why should the show actually focus on

I DO like the fact that she has a recognizable face that doesn't make her look like she would get cast in a CW show, unless of course they would need a weird outsider kid that appeared only for one episode and the "pretty" leads could feel sorry for her, then they'd be all over her. But anyways, her looks are just