Russel from season 3

I think Angie works better in theory than in real life. As long as he doesn't see her around he can pretend that he cares for her and misses her. But when she actually shows up who can blame him for suddenly having lots of places to go and things to do?

Which makes me wonder more and more why they are not using any of the actually interesting plots of the book. And there are more than enough to chose from and still fill up 5 or 6 seasons.

It's a good thing the locked-up vampires are provided with the necessary equipment to keep their bodies hairless and their "beards" really short. Anything else would be a deadly sin in the true blood universe.

Reading and then watching Less Than Zero is an interesting experience though. Has there ever been a movie that was degayed even more?

Good for you. And him.

Damn, I was hoping for a new song and album. Still a great song though. Reminds me that I need to listen to "neck of the woods" immediately now.

Obviously I have not read any of those reviews, but I really liked the ones about Southland, for example, and I don't know (or care to be honest) about the reviewers sexual orientation or gender. S/he just did a good job reviewing the show.

But MSCL was NOT aimed at a certain sexual orientation. It was just an awesome series where pretty much everyone could find a character in there to relate to, or at least root for. Or root against. The diversity of the characters was one of the great things about this show. It was marketed at all teenagers.

Yes of course. But it doesn't have to be a "gay movie" to feature a gay or bi character as the hero. Granted, that's not the world we live in now, but that should be the goal in my opinion.

How is a gay perspective different from a straight or bi perspective? I am not trying to be a dick, I am just curious. Is there really a difference except that you may find a certain gender more sexually attractive than the other? Because I really don't think so.

"beautiful thing" is one of the dreaded schoolboys-in-love films that I have watched because I had heard good things about it - let's just say that I had a very different reaction to it and it certainly was the last movie of this kind that I have watched.

I can't stand the whole schoolboys-fall-in-love genre for several reasons and feel very alienated by so called "gay movies" in general. You summed it up pretty good I think.  I want non-straight characters of both genders naturally included in movies and tv-shows, just like they are in real life. No "very special

I am not trying to be a dick here, but when you say you couldn't relate to any of the popular movies aimed at a straight audience and then say "While Edge Of Seventeen was marketed largely toward gay
audiences, it’ll resonate with anyone who remembers the awkwardness and
elation of their first sexual experiences"

I can't reply to your recent posting so this is regarding

If the whole world would listen to "contact" occasionally it would be a much better place.

I can only speak for myself, but it took me a couple listens to get into the songs. Now I am really loving them. But if you like Editors you should definitely get the first album as it is awesome. There is a special edition with bonus songs that is so worth hunting down.

So are the non-straight people in Russia. How's that working out for them?

Editor's "the weight of your love" is my favorite album of the year so far. I'm surprised it did not get reviewed here, or maybe I missed it?
Upon first listening I couldn't help but be disappointed, as there is no "smokers outside the hospital" or "bricks and mortar" on it. It is more slow in general and takes some

no, it is not the most overrated album of the year. that just had to be said.

Not as brilliant as Carey Mulligan but who is?