Russel from season 3

Twin Peaks still has me occasionally obsessed with dangling traffic lights.

There is some really great stuff in season 2. If you would cut out the storylines that did not work (James! Nadine!!) you'd have another amazing season. Towards the end they turned the show back around. I mean how amazing is that final episode? I can't be the only one who still hopes all those cliffhangers will

You might think that has been spoiled, but it really hasn't.

How do we know that it is a mistress and not a mister? The letters were signed just B after all. My guess is Bradley's dad had a male lover after whom he named his daughter. Weird and inappropriate? Sure. Fitting for this show? Absolutely.


But actually, "human after all" is a really great album. Definitely one that has to grow on you as the first 2 or 3 listenings left me pretty cold. But once it "clicks" there is some amazing music on there. "steam machine" immediately comes to mind. Gotta love that.

Daft Punk are amazing. I see too much negativity in the comments. So how did YOU get into Daft Punk?

Actually Farmiga is at least 13 shades of awesome in this show.

This had me excited about the possibilty of a future episode being directed by Tony Scott, who directed the terrible DeNiro/Snipes wanna-be thriller "The Fan" in 1996 but then I remembered. Damn…


Come on, cut him some slack! After all he made his pilot all about you.

She clearly is! Look how easy she "figured out" that whole Asian Sex Slave Ring thing! And then Norman and she are "accidently" caught by the armed dope gardeners, guaranteeing that Norman won't dare to go back into those woods again. Now she is manipulating Bradley into hating Norman. She is a freaking mastermind and

Asian Sex Slave was only wounded. She was caught by one of the Asian Sex Slave thugs and is now being kept hidden in a cabin in the woods where strange things are going on while she is slowly losing her memory as well as her ability to speak. At the start of the second season she will escape and wander around on the

Maybe they want the audience to hate upon the show online. In that case the show is a huge success!

So I AM the only person who did like the final episode of the first season of The Killing? I might have been blinded by the hotness of Brent Sexton, but even without him this wouldn't have been the worst thing ever.

This was not a good finale. Yet again they bring in some innocent character just so they kill him off and "shock" the audience. Poor lighthouse guy! What are they gonna do next season? Torture puppies? With Emma set up as the new big bad that wouldn't seem out of character for her. But then again, what would?

So when did you start the crossdressing? Before or after the first murder?

One of the reasons is probably the fact that doing so would have made the show more expensive. Also, the kids couldn't be sexting.

Yeah, I was expecting pretty much the same thing. But Dylan is way too good an older brother to do that to Norman! "That the girl you screwed? Allright, let me get in her pants right now!" would be so out of character for him that… wait… that pretty much proves that he's gonna do that next episode, dammit!!

Ok, so the show DID want me to expect Norman to kill the dog in all of their scenes together, right? That wasn't just some sick part of me thinking "oh yeah, that's norman bates with a hammer. and thats a cute little dog. there's only one natural conclusion to this scene!", right?