Russel from season 3

I am late in catching up on the latest episodes of Southland so only watched this today. That scene was so different from how you expect to see it handled on tv nowadays. I hate having Cooper call it a "lifestyle" (as that is totally dumb) but I love to have a gay cop say that in a drama. Instead of giving the

It says about me that I am an idiot. I am totally aware of that. Those 30 minutes could be spend doing something really productive. But nope, gotta see how much I'm gonna hate the new episode. Ugh…

I've seen worse episode of this show for sure, but this was just average, if that.

Like everyone is saying (and now I am too, ugh) the trailer gives way too much away. So that's not good. But it also makes me want to see the movie. There is no way it could be anything as mindblowing as DePalma's version (which might be the one film I have seen more than any other), but I do believe the actors

I love how much he loved movies.

"Masculinity I have zero problem with, but he looks like a walrus mated with a beetroot."

Totally serious. I've had a crush on him since… way too long for me to admit because it would make me seem old. Riehle is quite the bear icon, so my hardon for him isn't all that uncommon. Contrary to what "modern family" is saying there are lots of men out there who are attracted to masculinity. Just saying…

I liked this episode. Considering that I approach each new episode thinking (not so secretly wishing?) "how much is this one going to suck?" this left me quite surprised. Sure, Cam is still unbearable and the show would be better off without him, but except for that this was funny and entertaining. I even laughed once

I have never seen this but now I am really looking forward to it! I have been a fan of Spacek ever since I saw her in "Carrie" when I was 14. And while I love the film I am pretty sure it traumatized me quite a bit. I haven't been able to watch any of her movies until I was in my early 20s or so because I was pretty

Before this show started I was SURE that I read somewhere that Kate Winslet was going to be in this show. That was probably the main reason why I watched the pilot (that and the Bates motel and house because seeing that just makes me happy). But the more episodes I watch the stronger my belief is becoming that Kate

Some thoughts on this review:

He's hot though.

I liked the "Jacob/Paul bullshit", but then again I was just happy to have the psycho threesome back on screen for a little bit.

Because being gay means you have to be single and can't have kids?

This is sad. Considering that the second season was even better than the first the next season could have been the best thing to ever happen to tv. But the final episode can indeed serve as a series finale so at least it doesn't feel really incomplete.

Ok, so if skin color and acoustic guitar aren't important in making you a lesbian that only leaves being a woman. Huh…

Roderick's impression was the scene of the week by far. Him shouting at whatshername and none of the people around them reacting to that was either really bad directing or meant to be freaking creepy. Fun either way.

I love horror movies more than anything else (entertainment wise), but I also think this show is too graphic with it's violence. I never thought I'd feel this way about tv gore. But when the violence is only there to "shock" me it just feels like an annoying child who is screaming in my face to get my attention. And

No, the skin color really is not important.

Who or what is "Stringer"?