Russel from season 3

Well, trying to find something positive about this (is she acting like a b-movie villain on purpose?) - you did mention Tracy Chapman. And that is always a good thing. So how awesome is Chapman's debut album from what? 1985? "fast car" is one of the greatest songs ever and the rest of the tracks are all still more

Personally I could watch Regina King close ups all day long.

True. As good as the first 2 seasons were the show only reached it's full potential once it's been on TNT.

The tunnel scene and the one right afterwards on the bridge looked absolutely stunning and beautiful.

It's interesting how Ben started out as the character you were supposed to maybe identify with (at least thats how he read to me in the first 2 seasons) and he's getting more and more turned into a dick. Not sure if it's his job thats changing him or if his real personality just comes through more and more now.

Regina King is so fucking amazing. Why exactly is she not a huge star? Before this I kept seeing her in shitty Sandra Bullock "comedies" and didn't think twice about her. She deserves so much better and it's so good that she finally has it. At least for the time being.

Is there any real proof that he was uncomfortable with his characters sexuality? I keep hearing thats one of the reasons why his plots turned so boring as the show progressed, but all that is just rumors and I never read any quotes or anything.

Is this passive aggressiveness and I just don't get it?

I never found Julien to be that interesting in the first place. They could have done some really interesting things with the whole "ex-gay" thing but instead pretty much dropped it alltogether. I would have loved to see a tv-show deal with this problem.

Interesting. The jokes didn't come across as homophobic to me, more like friends teasing each other in a tense situation. Considering how close Cooper and Dewey seem to be I'd be surprised if he doesn't know about Cooper not being straight.

Considering that he hasn't been on the show since the second episode of the season it would be weird for him to make a cameo just to show his butt.

Ok, so I listened to the commentary on the deleted scene called "julien's blowjob" and here is what Ryan has to say:

Son? So how IS heaven, dad? I hope you are doing great and I'm sorry for not being a better son when I should have been!

Uhm, actually, Ryan says on the dvd extras that FX demanded that scene to be removed. That what had me angry. If he wanted a slow reveal that would have been fine with me.

I am sure both of them hate women just as much as men.

I know it is early (late?) but calling Astley and Morrissey "queens" and then implying that Astley is "not macho" enough for you is just really lame and lazy.

I´ve started watching the show only last year and have seen the first 5 seasons so far so I am looking forward to reading a lot of these reviews in the weeks to come. I enjoy so much about the show.

So male nudity makes you feel "uncomfortable" in general?

I once watched "breakfast club" on my birthday. That was depressing.

No, you are not. I did not see that coming either. Part of me wants me to feel bad about that (with having a pretty decent knowledge of the Batman history and all) but I don't.