Russel from season 3

Whoever says that can't be talking about an episode of "modern family".

Even the kids have romantic storylines now. The two bachelors (let's not call them roommates as that is an insult to the word "mating") on the other hand - not so much.

Samuel Jackson and Christoph Walz in a film by Tarantino sounds to me like my worst cinematic nightmare. I have only seen the trailer to this and found it unbearable with the usual smugness, "my balls are bigger than yours" and all the rest of the typical Tarantino-isms. The fact that so many people go crazy for this

Samuel Jackson and Christoph Walz in a film by Tarantino sounds to me like my worst cinematic nightmare. I have only seen the trailer to this and found it unbearable with the usual smugness, "my balls are bigger than yours" and all the rest of the typical Tarantino-isms. The fact that so many people go crazy for this

When I first read about this last night I was all prepared to hate this guy because most people are assholes and just look at his picture, right? But upon reading this and finding out he directed "slither" which is pretty awesome and him not using the "I'm sorry if my words insulted anyone" non-apology I am not sure

When I first read about this last night I was all prepared to hate this guy because most people are assholes and just look at his picture, right? But upon reading this and finding out he directed "slither" which is pretty awesome and him not using the "I'm sorry if my words insulted anyone" non-apology I am not sure

I don't know what's supposed to be unattractive about Ed O'Neill; as far as I am concerned he is the only man on the show who has any sex appeal at all. I really like Ty Burell but he's not my kind of sexy.

I don't know what's supposed to be unattractive about Ed O'Neill; as far as I am concerned he is the only man on the show who has any sex appeal at all. I really like Ty Burell but he's not my kind of sexy.

I REALLY try not to be one of those guys who sees homophobia everywhere all the time (which requires lots of plugging my ears and closing my eyes but that's the price I pay for trying not to be depressed all the time) but as soon as I read "In between all of the offensive storylines and Sheen hero-worship" my mind

I REALLY try not to be one of those guys who sees homophobia everywhere all the time (which requires lots of plugging my ears and closing my eyes but that's the price I pay for trying not to be depressed all the time) but as soon as I read "In between all of the offensive storylines and Sheen hero-worship" my mind

The fact that the final scenes were indeed very much "inspired" by the Six Feet Under finale should have made me reject it really bad. But I enjoyed it just the same.

I don't know what language the german roommate was speaking but it couldn't have been just one language. I understood maybe 4 words she was saying and the rest was just weird babble. It always annoys me when this happens in tv or movies. Or comic books. I remember one german "character" in "the ray" issue 2 saying "Du

This was the first time that Jay and Gloria kissed, right? Also the suggestion of hot tub sex between them at the end was much appreciated. I really like the fact that Gloria seems to find her husband actually attractive and desirable even though he is neither metrosexual nor under 30. We haven't seen much of this

"Irving revisits nearly every favorite trope in his wheelhouse (except bears)"

It is indeed. I might be the only one who loved the whole art school plot from season 3. 

Such great news! Something to really look forward to. So nice to see quality television survive for 5 seasons even without huge ratings!

I heard the two female leads plugging their show in an interview and described it at being aimed at "old people and gay men". So of course that made me hate them immediately. Yeah, it was supposed to be a joke, but 1. it was lame and 2. it made me decide not to watch it. And as much as I would have liked to ignore

Happy Birthday!

What would he HAVE to do to appear like an "actual gay kid" to you? I'm just curious. Bit of a lisp? Wear more pink? Be called "Chandlur"?

I don't know, but I think I have turned so much against this show that I can only see the things that I hate. And for me it's all the "gay stuff".