Russel from season 3

Female-on-male violence is still so very often used as "comedy". But when you bring this up or complain about it you hardly ever get taken seriously. Also there's obviously an audience for that kind of "humor". "Pussywhipped" is funny, but "dickwhipped" supposedly is not.

Considering that the actor chose to imitate his mother for the role of Cam that is hardly surprising. Not any less annoying though.

Wait.. What?!? This show features two men who love one another?

What gives you the impression that Cooper is "still in the closet"?

"House of the Devil" is so much fun. One of my favorite horror movies of the last decade or so. "The Inkeepers" was also very enjoyable. This article uses the word "charming" and it's very fitting for West's movies I think. So good to have a director who seems to really LIKE what he's doing and wants to make quality

So it seems there IS such a thing as karma…

It would kinda help if you listen to the podcast before jumping to conclusions. Glass makes it more than clear that lots of people have known for a long time that he's gay. His circle of friends and  parents included.

When it will be revealed in the series finale that Mitch and Cam are indeed just roommates, posing as a couple so they can adopt, no one will be surprised.
The fact that they don't show any affection for another, get any romantic plots or even touch or talk in a we-really-dig-each-others-body kind of couple-y way is a

I really enjoyed the film. Saw it at a festival in 2010 and the crowd mostly liked it. I'm not saying it is a GREAT movie, but it's got it's heart in the right place and is over before it has the chance to get boring.

So glad about the Update! Losing R.E.M. and Bloc Party in the same month would have been pretty unbearable.

Actually a "splatter flick superimposed over Smith's chatty dialog" sounds awesome to me! As it is "Red State" is a good film, but not a great film. While it's cool that the film doesn't deliver what you might expect from it and keeps changing lanes several times it also makes for a somewhat unsatisfying viewing.

blablabla "they are not relevant anymore". I never cease to be amazed at people's stupidity. R.E.M. are amazing. Were amazing. Fuck. I never saw them perform live. This really upsets me. Very sad news!!!

I wasn't too thrilled with this album at first - but that's mainly because I really really want a second "choirgirl hotel" even though I hate artists that keep on making records that sound like the ones they've done before - but after 3 listens so far it's really grown on me.

Kevin James
How I loathe people who claim that a woman "like Leah Remini" could never EVER find a man "like Kevin James" attractive. It just pisses me off so bad. The stupidity.
So while I am tempted to feel with Jordan for having to sit through the dreadful "King of Queens" on a flight I also wish that this will be

"president of a network dedicated almost entirely to young girls and the sorts of shows that young girls (and a few special boys) enjoy"

I didn't expect much from the film so I wasn't disappointed. I guess I have a lot of goodwill towards Carpenter and I'm just happy to see a new film from him. The actors did a really good job in my opinion and the ending was quite nice.

"Oh yeah, Tara. So, now she's a lesbian and an ultimate fighter."

Gossip Girl?

@LauraBow: "um, am I the only person on the planet who thought that final sequence totally blew?"

1. Thanks Rabin. Still one of the very few reviewers who actually seems to not appreciate homophobic "humor".