Russel from season 3

The first song that came to my mind is "eels" excellent "old shit/new shit". Not only is it a really great and catchy song, but the chorus of "I m tired of the old shit, let the new shit begin" would get a positive meaning as I am pretty sure I will suddenly start to believe in life after death just as I am about to

I'm not a doctor but I am pretty certain that you aren't allowed to drink coffee when you are a dyalisis patient.

I am! But you should see my evil doppelganger…

"Beautiful" people
I find it funny that you list the fact that EVERY FUCKING ONE on this show has to be "beautiful" as a plus. As for me that is probably the shows biggest minus.
All these model types are boring me to death and I don't find that same-y clone-y look attractive at all. Personally I like real people.

I love "cool on your island". That song just makes me happy.

Klaus Kinski in general is scary as fuck! Anyone capable of speaking german should seek out an amazing interview from the 70s which starts out innocently enough but then he goes totally crazy and looks like he wants to kill the poor woman having to interview him.
Of course that discription is fitting for most of his

"Carrie" made me afraid to take a shower.

I really dislike this film. Violence for violence s sake only is simply boring to me and won t achieve anything but make me shut down and distance myself from what I am watching - therefore the second half of this film left me totally cold. Sure, it was gross and all, but I really didn t care as it just felt like the

Not convincing as a couple?
"The film's only major flaw is that the two actors are never fully convincing as a couple"

I got this yesterday (the uk edition with the awesome cornfield cover, which does feature stars, therefore seems kinda inappropriate but looks so damn good) and read "1922" while listening to Moby s ambient bonus disc from the "hotel" album and that proved to be a very very depressing combination. Great story

The acting is NOT terrible at all. Quite far from it. The two leads are a real life couple (the director said he was only looking at RL couples at the castings, and I wonder if that included same sex couples) and their chemistry is great. They are good actors too.

@Drolz: There have been too many insults in this comment section already but your ignorant and prejudiced comment wins the first prize.

@Malingerer: I m too gay for straight apostrophes. Which would be the obvious and easy reply to your question so why try harder.

TV is totally gay? Is straight the new gay now?
Why do I feel that the "23 gay characters on broadcast neworks" include those supporting "characters" that never get any stories of their own and are reduced to the roles of best friends or shit like that? Is Little Brother from "gossip girl" included in those 23?

It s always funny how so many people suddenly have the world s most awesomenest gaydar when talking about a non-closeted actor.
"Of course I knew about him/her long before the outing. It was sooo obvious".

"Setoodeh caught an awful lot of flack for the article, even though he's gay himself."

non-skinny hate
"a pre-bloat Alec Baldwin as a mobster"

The notion that some people believe there is a time limit for trying on outfits that decides whether it s straight or gay is strange to me. Is there also a time window for bi?

Actually, it s not at all like 6FU. Dawn and Keith fucked, but no one was being sexually harassed. Afterwards she fired him, like her character supposedly always did after fucking a bodyguard.