Russel from season 3

As we - "the gays" - are totally like the borg or something I can speak for everyone of US of course and settle this once and for all: "the gays" despise Katy Perry. She s a homophobic douchebag.
I had the misfortune of listening to her latest single last night and she does actually "sing": "We re gonna be young

VeniceCub in "Bear Voyage 2".

When I made a mix-cd for my boyfriend he accused me of trying to force my taste in music upon him. So I m kinda glad Eels didn t end up on it.

That hot coach
I find it really insulting that the hot coach from "glee" is being called "a repulsive man" in this article. Sure, that woman about to marry him didn t want to touch him and maybe SHE even thought that he was repulsive, but in your article it is YOU stating that, and unless I missed it none of the other

"why do gay characters "NEED" to be on the network?"

What s up with all the hate for facial hair? Granted, Jesus is not my type either, but there s nothing wrong with facial hair or body hair (Werewolves should be hairy in their human form, that s pretty much a given). Why do I have to live in an age where words like "manscaping" exist?

I just got done re-watching "six feet under" for the 3rd or 4th time and once again the finale left me with the realisation that I will NEVER see a new episode and THAT was the only depressing thing about that show. That final scene still makes me cry like a little bitch.

Alcide doesn t do anything for me either. As a werewolve shouldn t he have at least a hairy chest? Not that having one would make him more attractive to me but it wouldn t hurt either. Somehow I don t see werewolves "manscaping" - which should be illegal anyways.

No Mr T - no interest
"The A-Team" was for me what "Baywatch" was for my straight friends. Mr T was super hot and Hannibal was more than do-able. Neither Liam Neeson nor that homophobic UFC fighter are able to fill the shoes of the original actors, so there goes any interest I might have had in seeing this.

Except for one obvious troll I find this topic really interesting.

Reading some of the other comments I feel like rambling some more.

The show has never said anything negative about heterosexuality. 99 percent of the characters are heterosexual. None of them ever got bullied because s/he is heterosexual. So now to claim it s "hetero bashing" is just silly.

I really used to like Jared Leto. He took on interesting roles instead of going for dumb parts in big blockbusters. But earlier this year I saw his band 30 Seconds To Mars perform and it turns out he is a douchebag. It was really embarassing to see him make a fool out of himself on stage like that, behaving like a 16

That show is still on?
"Mad Men" ended when they decided to not renew Bryan Batt s contract.

This is really sad news. So sorry to read this. His work has been such a huge part of my childhood. I hope he didn t suffer!

Oh dear, this is all so very frat boy…
Anyways, unless the reviewer saw some kind of porno that shares the same title as this films I don t see why the sex between the women is being called "softcore" as it is all very tame and no different from the straight sex you see in every second movie, which - surprisingly - is

It s weird but in the pic with the salt-and-pepper beard Durst is really not that bad looking. Which is pretty embarassing to admit. Why didn t he wait until he was semi-hot before making a cellphone sex video?

@idiotking - unless you are Kathy Griffin in disguise you are not allowed to make such broad generalizations about "The Gays" based solely on chliches and a misunderstanding that "they" are like "The Borg".

Nope, the won t kiss anytime soon. I read in some interview that the guy who plays Cam said something like "they are too busy raising a child to be affectionate", adding "maybe that will change if the show continues for many seasons". I still wanna fuck him but now it would kinda be a grudge fuck.

It s B&S without the gay. What an innovative idea.