unregistered poster

you're absolutely right - NBC should definitely sever its diplomatic ties with the DR and recall its ambassador

99% sure boag is a troll account

is this performance art

[whatever]-botherer is a pretty standard britishism

1. The Mountain
2. The Diary
3. Jake The Brick
4. Food Chain
5. Breezy

I'm just wondering why you feel qualified to distinguish pseudo-mysticism from actual mysticism

whats an LP

1. End Hits
2. The Argument
3. Steady Diet Of Nothing

I just don't like you, personally. I enjoy sharing that every once in a while.

I mean, you're incredibly wrong about that - particularly about Pen being the major creative force behind the show, it's been Moynihan and Wolfhard for years - but what I really want to know is, were you actually watching AT for the plot? Is it possible to miss the point that much?

it's people like you what cause unrest

a comment which suggests that the fact that someone we've never met gets along with her mother means that she is a crazy person

he is my favorite one-joke SNL character. which cartoon will he forget is for children this time

My gift to you: next time you listen to "Intervention", really listen to the glockenspiel

I hate to say this, but when a troll as obvious as this is so wildly successful it's a sign that in your heart of hearts most of you think it might speak the truth

I'm not sure you get what adventure time is?

starting a petition to restrict Sava to reviewing Jesse Moynihan episodes so we can get someone in here who knows how to enjoy this kind of thing

god you're a waste

there is an artisan mayonnaise shop in park slope

you tricked me into hearing bad music