unregistered poster

can we have one nice thing without you grubbing it up with your overexplaining mystique-ruining cringe-imparting shark-jumpening content theft machine

So what you've done here is you've summarized a video which summarizes an article from a pop culture website for your pop culture website. Is there no honor among bottom-feeders?

not a nostalgia act for aging white hip-hop heads? correct

this was a fucking dispiriting night of wrestling, I tell you what

best wrestling moment in forever and you didn't notice - hatred blinds you, boy!

on the other hand, that -is- kind of who he is, being a huge nerd and all - if the best promos are the wrestler's real personalities turned up to 11, then Kenny has a good promo

they want you to react to roman reigns and to continue to spend money on their product. what on earth has given you the impression that WWE cares about storytelling?

this comments thread is amazing because it's full of people who don't realize that they are the audience and that they are being worked


three paragraphs of text about a video you saw and no link to the video

I'm pretty sure given the demographic breakdown and that trump leads among male voters this actually puts redtube users slightly to the left of the general public

Ambrose did actually wrestle a couple matches for ROH back in the day, too.

It's visual shorthand indicating that these characters are gay

i always wonder what benefit a person gets from broadcasting their lack of understanding

life must be really hard for you

I appreciate your admission that the problem here is that you're old and out of touch, in re rock in the eighties, but you must understand that RTJ are on some level a nostalgia act, right? With their cute hand gesture and their hamfisted backpacker jabs at political relevancy? El-P is every aging white hip-hop head

this sure is a well-constructed takedown - via the same principles, I can infer from your need to write a five-paragraph essay about how you disapprove of how someone you've never met chooses to deal with their family and career that you are a colossal shitstain

old man yells at cloud

the title of the episode works on a couple levels

did you get lost or does playing the lone voice of reason give you a hard-on