unregistered poster

all r.e.m.

you should write more posts on av club

Did the song at the end sound like They Might Be Giants to anyone else?

I wonder if it's occurred to to him that he might be a more successful rapper if he was better at rapping

She makes quietly sexist indie rock fans uncomfortable because she won't shut up

to which this episode was admittedly better than

You never cease to be wrong

God this was tedious

this is a fascinating glimpse of the inner workings of Chris

the overall sound is diplo circa three or four years ago and Maya was awful, what is wrong with you

I remember reading these comments back in high school, when they were relatively fresh.  I remember getting really mad at Aaron Varhola's shitty reviews.  Specifically his.  Aaron Varhola's.  AARON VARHOLA.
For me, that name is the Proust's madeleine of shitty internet memories

I dunno, man.  I thought it was a pretty great take on how a generally good person can turn into a manipulative jerk without realizing it, particularly when motivated by something they don't fully understand.   Maybe you have to have been a jerk to get this episode?  Or maybe only people who don't realize they've been

dude, if you live in a world where platonic bros huff each other's shirts for fun, that is your biz

dude, this ep kind of answered that question.  ain't barely any sub to the text anymore

worst thing I've read today, congrats

Saw her in bk last month.  Real solid show.  She still has a lot of scream in her for an old lady.  Favorite part was a dude who walked up to ask who the line was for and when we told him he reacted like i'd taken a shit on the sidewalk.

citation needed

ok so can you explain the thought process that led to you sharing that with us

someone's been living under a rock - we all decided to stop sucking off scott mccloud years ago

not disagreeing with you so much as making fun of your shitty communication skills