
Last good Aesop Rock album was a decade ago.

I wouldn't say it was "good" but it was better than I thought it would be…

Nelly on the hook

Papoose, Chingy, Ma$e, Tyga, French, Wale…

That happened on the first day.

@Chryso42:disqus Flagged for comparing Jimi Hendrix to Zack Snyder



To be exact, he said "True nationalists don’t kill children of their own nation.”

Norwegian prisons are like bed-and-breakfasts you aren't allowed to leave.  His "cell" had a bookshelf full of racist occult books and a lap top and and little stove and freaking curtains with flowers on them. He recorded two (bad) albums in it. It was nicer than most places I've lived.

Poseur is the correct term.

Do you know how comics work?

Ah, here it is.

"I liked Fishbone and Bad Brains"

Bonfire is decent, mostly because of that beat.  The vast majority of his stuff, including the rest of that album, is lukewarm and average at best.  1.6 might be a bit too harsh but it's not good by any stretch.  Unless you "don't like rap" or "don't 'get' rap" or whatever, apparently.

Is there another kinds of jarts?

They are both awesome

These guys are phenomenal - you're out of your damn mind sir. They didn't make it because they sounded like they were from the future and they were the wrong skin color.

Right, these guys are amazing.  A great mixture of weirdo early metal like Captain Beyond and the Detroit early punk stuff - plus it's they're pretty spastic and unpredictable.  Can't wait to see this.

Yeah, goddamn.  What a brilliant, hilarious piece of work.