

And he made $500,000 on Kickstarter for a Postal sequel somehow.

For Your Brains Only
The Living Deadlights
The Spy Who Ate Me

Directed by Peter Jackson

I don't know about that - he made four movies in 2013.

Upvoted for mentioning Samurai Cop

My money's on Dan

The same way Kilgore's proposed public flogging of individuals who use swear words and death penalty for adulterers would work: only in crazy land.

Hard Boiled belongs on this list too. Maybe the first couple of Sin City books as well.

Oh no.

Why do people constantly complain about rap records not getting reviewed here? AV Club's hip hop reviews have always been wrongheaded and embarrassing. Just imagine the "B" if you really need to.

Also Lemmy.

A thousand times Nay.

"Christmas in the Abyss"?

I really liked Curse of Chucky. It's more straightforward and less meta than the last two but it's also a horror movie, rather than a satire.

Death metal and black metal are different things.

I'm loving the shit out of Old but My Name isn't really doing much for me.  Maybe it's the wide swath of terrible guests and Pusha's insistence on still rapping about selling drugs, even though he admits he hasn't done it in years.

I agree with this 100%.  Do better, or stop.

AV Club's hip hop coverage has always been horrifically wrongheaded and embarrassing, but Rytlewski's reviews are even worse than "Hip Hop Expert" Nathan Rabin's. At least Rabin actually listened to rap when he wasn't being paid to.  I swore the same thing when Killer Mike's "RAP Music" scored lower than Drake, but I

Do you really need Evan Rytlewski to give it a B+ for you?