
Mad Monkey Kung-Fu stands out as one that I haven't seen, but I'm going to fix that ASAP.  I recommended 8 Diagram above - it's a brain-twisting classic, but I think people ignore it because of the boring English name.

I haven't seen it in years, but that opening on the train and the fire-walking scene at the end are still vividly burned into my memory.

Sincerely, everybody.

Wait, is that the one where he's battling ginseng poachers and the climactic fight is on a bed of burning coals?  Holy shit, that movie's amazing.  Better than Drunken Master I.

Dirty Ho is one of my favorite kung fu flicks ever, hilarious name or no.  Eight Pole Diagram Fighter is pretty astounding too - it's mind-boggling to see this stuff happen before all the wire-work and CGI.

Ellison's too mean to die, like Jerry Lee Lewis.

@avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus I'd start with either I am Legend (which is pretty quick) or a collection of early short stories. 

Not sure how Sammy Hagar connects with that anecdote…


Oof, oh yeah.

You've clearly never heard Jay Z's two albums with R. Kelly.

Dammit, now I am.

Is there another review besides the Phipps one that was an "A"?  I'm confused.

I am generally a fan of Howard the Duck comics, although he really hasn't had that much solo stuff.  There's the original Steve Gerber 70's stuff and some Marvel MAX stuff, but usually he ends up in team-up or group books.  Lately the best stuff is the Marvel vs Zombies stuff by Fred Van Lente, where he hops across

When they sold off Joey's records recently, there was a bunch of ELP and Yes and stuff like that on the list.

Dust had some long songs but they're pretty unpretentious, they rock really fucking hard, their songs are catchy, and there's no endless noodling or cheeseball keyboards.  So, no.

Thank you for this, I had almost forgotten about the Bill Hader of Black Metal

All of these posts and not a word about "From a Dry Camel," the most epic camel-fucking song of all time.

You can basically still buy it almost anywhere in the South for less than a twelve pack of cheap beer or any "real drug." The basic formula changes so quickly and subtly that's its impossible for slow-moving bureaucracy to effectively legislate. You usually only have to be 18 to buy it, like cigarettes - that's

Movie Thor is basically Ultimate Thor, which had more in common with Regular-Ass Hercules.  Much like the other characters who got movies, he's come to more closely resemble the movie version, which are based on the Ultimate versions.