
Good to know I didn't miss much there. I do like the actor who plays Frank Churchill, but it wasn't enough to make the idea of the Jane vids seem essential.

Good point. I don't follow the (fictional characters') twitter accounts or watch the Jane videos. Maybe Emma posts pics on twitter of all the meals she and Knightley have on all their dates and whatnot.

Emma Approved: I found it odd—it felt as though an episode was skipped—that we went from Emma and Knightley reaching an understanding to them full-on dating. The connective tissue in between occurred offscreen, it seemed to me, and I would have liked to have seen it dramatized. The payoff for the whole series was like

The stool samples provided excellent humor: the way she produced the containers from her lab coat with a casual flourish; the dude's aside about filling them at home; and her tossed-off reminder at the very end.


Mother and daughter both in a cult that requires you to minimize family attachments. This development has a lot of potential.

Was the shushing a violation of the silence vow?

Is there really no gimmick account called Holy Wayne's Hugs?

Aimee (with an accent over the first E) also means "loved (one); beloved"; the show might be reaching for a small irony in that she seems to be family-less and (therefore?) unloved. Or maybe Dad Cop has the hots for her and wuvs her.

We… don't know.

The show peaked early for me. Nothing was quite as awesome as a guy suddenly levitating. I also wish Bruce Greenwood had been more central to the show, as the first episode seemed to promise. That premise would work on me every time.

Jesus would be a Buddhist :)

She's going to be a kickass [REDACTED]. Something tells me her cause won't be getting people to eat healthy food.


Zira the chimpanzee lady scientist used to serenade Charlton Heston with this song: "Turn around! Bright Eyes!"

Ah, I see what you mean. I can't figure it out. My last was not sarcastic. I can't access the old spot where one uploaded a picture or image.

Sure. Let me refresh my memory. Be right back…

And Mr. Underwood is something of a liar (not very frank) and Mrs. Underwood is, um, murky? This felt better in my head.

Awesome handle, by the way: its very appearance purposefully contradicts its nominal meaning, since, if we're seeing it, it's 'cause you're not-lurking and not-silent (vocal, in the act of posting a comment). Well done there.

I had so little patience for those two cops and for the exterminator's dad and for Eph's ex-wife. Just listen already! The upside is huge, the downside negligible.