
Dave from "Happy Endings"!

They know.

It's also possible that the mother is the killer, though female serial killers are rare. She could think of it as protecting her son from them.

The humor on this show works really well. That eyeroll that Lucy did when Rufus said "What. You don't like money?" was gif-worthy.

Is the (A) in "Manhattan" a way to represent the bomb?

Thank you! This is just the sort of info I wanted.

What does a regular (non-great, non-pilot) episode of this show look like?

*skedaddles burtward*

Down! So hell freezes over.

Jake has already made such a commitment that I can't see the show ever using the resets now. Surely he's not going to repeat entire years of teaching at that school. (The dancing is worth repeating, though: that was great.)

I put it down to leaving room for Jake to become savvy.

Annette O'Toole from the It adaptation.

The gray along the temples helps a lot.

Not many resets (returns to the rabbit hole). I wonder if the show will try to have a single stretch of linear time.

Please elaborate on your James hypothesis. I don't see it yet but it does sound interesting.

And man did he kill it quickly.

I can buy that, that the notion is "one season, one Big Bad." Once they decide that, the number of episodes they're given becomes the constraint.

I'm trying to remember if there's anything in the first book that to a studio exec would read as the fireworks factory, because otherwise I can't explain this rushing. What are they hurrying to get to? Is there some meaty thing I'm forgetting?

I wonder if enough time passed for the viewer for the Fillory reveal to work as a surprise. It seems to me that the notion of literary Fillory, on the show, had barely been introduced and instantly Q said: Fillory is a real place!

I don't know about moving, but it worked for me in that it injected some much-needed sense of wonder about magic. It was cool to watch a Muggle seeing that plane getting assembled.