
Human self-seasoning: It's basic politeness toward the vampire that will eventually eat you.

Splashing water on one's face: Do people wearing makeup really do that just to "clear their head"? 999 Examples from TV and Movies

"aesthetic"—"Ascetic" is monks.

The actress did a good job in general of having the character not act very convincingly.

Next thing, they'll tell us that seguing from life-saving CPR to a romantic moment isn't a thing people do!

I defended it for the pilot, but this time I found it to be standard intrusive and unnecessary voiceover.

Her face when she realized she'd put her foot in her mouth was priceless. It was a visual "Gulp!"

The Sharknado movies are pure cheese—"Imagine grater."

If they cut the corners of (normally cubic) dice, they would each go up from 6 to 14 :), for a max of 28 combined.

Oh wow, I've never met anyone else who watched "Danger Bay"!

Fake-spoilers in theory should be *good* (one gets a surprise) but they're actually just as bad, in that they discourage "playing along at home" (actively engaged watching, with guessing and anticipation of what's about to happen next). And it's hard (impossible?) to retroactively feel all one neglected to feel thanks

Bonus round: What in the names of all the gods is Adama actually saying when he talks of rolling a hard six and bringing the cat out of the rain?

It's as though the show used this episode to play every single cliche it had so far avoided or subverted. So odd.

Wait till the show introduces the Rightovers from the, um, tail half of the Departure.

Well said.

This convo *does* seem to always go the same way.

Ditto "decimate."

That's what my brain always *wants* it to mean, too, and an extra mental step is always required to make the correction. It's a pain in the neck.

I realize that, in part, the review is quoting someone else's use of the word, but, again, "bemuse" does not mean that.

Ah, Chekhov's hobby:
Yeah, no way the botany thing doesn't come up again. Your predictions will likely all bear out, just like the tea leaves/palm reading.