
I had a bigger-on-the-inside joke for this, but, you know, bad taste.

The actual transition from the heroine's present to her past was not shown on screen, but it was druid-related. If you ever watch it, do come back and say what you thought of it.

They have difficulty finding the drawbridge.

She seems to have gotten a cheek job (?) or was perhaps naturally blessed. I'd never thought of them as face boobs.

LOL!! (Good thing I asked—phew!)

Cool, thanks. This is good, because otherwise it would have been silly to build a surfer rather than fly out.

Yeah, totally agreed.

Ha! I guess no more "How-are-yous" for me? It's an odd lesson to extract from this.

Head!Six was so awesome. And though it was a little stunt-y, the jolt on first seeing Head!Baltar was amazing. Good insight re: their equivalence with (superiority to) voice-over narration.

Lol, yeah: no Dextering, Claire!

Frank could have easily been a nag or wet rag. I liked his characterization a lot.

That's definitely the better approach, to NOT address the action currently on the screen. And even better is to not use it altogether.

I concur on all counts.

Fingers crossed we never get an ice-cream scene.

(this is going to sound complicated, but we're already talking about time travel, so here it goes)

Cool. It's a good move, making her a fish-out-of-water even in her own time (a little bit—though also demonstrably competent).

Sci-fi and fantasy tend to frontload the ideas (and more generally the cool stuff: premise, arrival of mysterious object, etc.). E.g., a whole town gets transported back to Olden Times: very cool. But then the plots turn pedestrian (banal war). I do hope that this wasn't the only cool thing (one instance of time

I was wondering what the main point was of giving her a nomadic past. (1) To make it awkward when she and her husband reacquaint themselves and try to grow roots. (2) To establish her adaptability, so that we buy how well she takes to the time travel. Maybe there's some future (3) with setting down roots in the past.

"Continuum" seemed to have a QL-style goal for its hero, one that couldn't come true without having the show end, but with time travel I guess there's wiggle room. (Sam kinda went home for the Imagine/Vietnam double episode, plus that time we saw Donna—but that final title card, ouch.)

Someone elsewhere mentioned the untranslated Gaelic. Person A would speak, the show would offer no subtitles, and Person B would *summarize* A's words for Claire, in English.