
I'm not a big fan of huge goals like getting back because they obviously (he said, without having read the books) can't come true until the very end of the show.

Fully developed and also confident. I'm surprised by how much I didn't mind the "slow" stuff before the time travel.

At some point Sean Connery fights Jesus and the Beowulf monsters in space, right?

She looks a little like Saffron Burrows to me, but much better.

"Excuse me, I need to powder my vagina."

Druids are objectively more awesome than witches :)

Your second paragraph: I also have been getting the joke wrong all these years. Thanks!

That first ("present" day) shot of Inverness was so gratuitous that I knew that it would be used as some sort of callback later. Turns out she used the absence of lights to convince herself she was in the past.

Only barely on-topic: How does one pronounce Edmure Tully/Brutus' surname?

Ah, cool; it sounds as though you're protecting us from spoilers. I somehow assumed (for trope reasons, though the math might not work out) that she stayed in the past, lived out her life, and finally met her younger self, like in "Somewhere in Time."

Same re: voiceover. I didn't mind it here because it was clearly not some slapdash ADR thing to hold the viewers' hands but rather a carefully-thought-out device. And the information was interesting and hard to convey otherwise (in an economical fashion).

So the old woman watching the window has to be Old Her, right?

They started it:

Is it in "Fawlty Towers" or as one of the Silly Walks that Cleese "puts on" a Hitler mustache by using two fingers? I'm not even certain I'm not making this up…

I anne-hathaway whenever I see Lizzy Caplan.

Cool, thanks. The whole thing gave me tonal and social-situation whiplash. It felt weird to express *no* interest in his health, but also awkward for me to pursue the topic. (e.g., bringing it up again to end the conversation, immediately following an electrical discussion)

Cut off from her precursors (past lives) and all that—right! I forgot about that and also was never sure about the precise implications. (E.g., maybe she can go into the avatar state but not talk to her past selves.)

Off topic: I need help reacting to something.

If one morning you happened to arrive at school earlier than she did, you could credibly call yourself antediluvian.

James Marsden:Chris Pine::Sam Worthington:Channing Tatum